Unanswered Questions About Cash Gernon
We reported earlier on the tragic murder of four-year-old Cash Gernon. Since that time, it has quickly become apparent that the mainstream press is not willing to provide the public with the relevant details regarding this crime. While we don’t have answers yet, the questions are piling up. We will get to the bottom of this and update this page as we learn more. If you know any of the answers to these questions or have more information, please email us or leave a comment. Update: UK-based Daily Mail covers the story that the American press won’t. In this link, they interview the woman with whom the children were living and provide pictures. Video here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2422373/Exclusive-interview-Cash-Gernons-guardian-Monica-Sherrod.html Update: Timeline of events provided by CBS. Update: The Daily Mail provides the footage of Cash Gernon being kidnapped as well as footage of the suspect returning, apparently to snatch the brother as well.
1. Why were Cash and his brother not living with biological relative? Various accounts state that, Cash’s father, Trevor Gernon, lived with Monica Sherrod for some period of time (accounts say in February) before he left in March (he allegedly fled because of legal problems). Apparently, the children were left in the care of Sherrod, who refers to herself as their “mommy.”
2. Who is Monica Sherrod? The “father’s girlfriend” was Monica Sherrod appears to be Monica Marie Sherrod, formerly Monica Marie Yarrito, whose husband passed away in 2005 when he was 26. We have obtained an unverified criminal record for a Monica Marie Sherrod. Sherrod has been arrested 8 times between 2012 and 2019, for offenses such as possession of controlled substances, theft and DUI.
With regard to how she earned money, we have no information.
These are unverified records, attributed to a Monica Marie Sherrod. These may or may not be accurate. They may or may not refer to the woman at issue.
3. Who is Darriynn Brown?
Update: We have information that in the course of the investigation, the police found a stolen gun in their search of Brown’s home, although no related charges have been brought against him.
An incident report from the Dallas PD shows that a stolen gun was recovered from the home of Darriyn Brown
Unconfirmed social media posts paint Brown as a general and serious neighborhood menace. Update, Yahoo News interviewed a neighbor who has surveillance footage of Brown allegedly wandering around the neighborhood, peering into backyards.
His InstaGram account allegedly says “Thug Life”. According to his mother however, he is a good boy and didn’t do nothing.
Brown's mother however vouches for her son's innocence and claims he was home all weekend and couldn't have kidnapped the boy. "That’s not right at all,” said Mimi Brown, mother of the suspect. “I know my son is traumatized. I know he’s scared, because I’m scared.” Brown is a patient of Metrocare Services that provides mental health care to children and adults, the mother said. "Darriynn is very kind,” she said, mentioning how Brown helps take care of his several young cousins at home. “I feel that he’s being framed," she shared.
According to Monica Sherrod, she knew Brown and had told him to stay away from the house.
Brown first visited Sherrod’s home a couple days before the fatal kidnapping while she was out shopping, she said.
“I told him, ‘Don’t come back around my kids,’” she said. “I was out grocery shopping when he was here. I’d left the twins with my boys and daughter.”
This is the alleged InstaGram profile of Darriyn Brown
4. Who were Cash’s other housemates and what was going on there? A Kameron Mori, 18, was living there and was apparently friends with Darriynn Brown, the alleged killer. Who else, if anyone, was living at this house? According to the Daily Mail, at least the following: Sherrods sons Matthew, 15, Landon, 14, and Kamron, 18, plus her daughter Emily, 16.
Kamron Mori is interviewed here.
5. Was Cash raped prior to his killing and had he been raped before? We have seen chatter on social media suggesting that Brown raped Cash prior to allegedly murdering him and that he had done so before. These are only rumors at this time. If you have a normal brain, it probably would never have occurred to you that a person might rape a four-year old child. It is something that should not need to occur to you, but it is a reality. We can’t ignore this reality when there are sick people right here in the metroplex who sodomize with literal babies.
6. Who are Cash Gernon’s Parents? Melinda Seagroves has been identified as his biological mother and she is reported to have been searching for Cash prior to his death. Social media posts have mentioned that the father was named Trevor and or nicknamed Chance, presumably last name of Gernon, but it is unclear at this time.
7. What else should we be asking? Email or comment about what we should be looking into.
This is simply something someone wrote on Facebook about Monica Sherrod and Darriyn Brown, it may or may not be true. All accused are innocent until proven guilty. Except for Derek Chauvin and his ilk.
Again, these are just rumors from facebook. All are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Chester Leban is in jail for raping a baby. That baby happened to be white. Go figure.