Democrats: Woke Companies > Children
In protecting Texas children from abusers and psychopaths, the defenders of the innocent arrived at the halfway mark in defending children. In a shock to many, both subversives and heroes alike, HB 1311, Bob Hall’s bill to punish doctors that mutilate kid’s genitals, not only passed to engrossment, but passed the Senate overall.
These steps to victory did not come without struggle however. In fact, many so-called “Republicans” such as Rep. Dustin Burrows have used their positions of authority (in Burrows’s case, head of Calendars Committee) to obstruct similar efforts to defend Texas children. These efforts continued today against Hall’s bill, with Sen. Jose Menendez (D-San Antonio) proposing three amendments to Hall’s child genital mutilation bill, that would have ultimately castrated it.
Perhaps the most cringeworthy arguments against SB 1311 however came from Sen. Beverly Powell (D-Forth Worth). Her argument was to complain that “businesses wouldn’t come here” if we dared protect children from those seeking to sexually mutilate them.
Look at those dead eyes. Would you trust this with your children?
She gibbered on, postulating that if Texas was to recover economically, it would have to create a hospitable environment for woke capital, compromised of the same monopolies that trample conservatives, with Abbott continuing to subsidize them. She even cited that one of the reasons Facebook chose Fort Worth for its data center was because of the city’s pro-LGBTQIA+LMNOP ordinances. Why one desires subversive corporations lead by woke apparatchiks moving to Texas is quite puzzling to those wanting to assume the best in others. But one thing is certain: Democrats openly don’t want to protect children, and most Republicans are complacent in letting you get steamrolled by both woke government, and woke incorporated, especially when they receive major donations from them. Why else would Republicans, whether federal or at Texas state level, bow to the Left when pressured?
Then again, should we be surprised? The representatives we elected made Dade “I let Democrats chair committees” Phelan House Speaker, a man who the base loudly disapproves of.
On top of that, self-proclaimed “conservatives” shill for moving the overton window Leftward, to the point where they just become Democrats from a decade ago.
Richard Nixon once said “You can stretch your base, but never break with it.” Republican Establishment leadership has not merely broken with their base, but fundamentally departed from it, all for thirty pieces of silver, courtesy of Woke Inc. As a result, they ignore the issues that matter most, expecting you to do the same.
But now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to call and pressure you elected officials to protect our children. Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Chairman Allen West has already been rooting for needed changes, and according to multiple sources, Rep. Stephanie Klick wants to pass SB 1311 through the House and save Texas children (remember to call her at 512-463-0599 to encourage her). Continue calling, getting involved, standing up, and speaking out. Make sure Phelan and other Legislators know who elected him to begin with. After all, there are more for us than against us.