Constitutional Carry Gets The Shaft
With 9 days to go on the legislative session, the screw job session is almost complete. So far, in this “most conservative session ever”, we have gotten an anti-CRT bill which doesn’t ban CRT and zero bans on child mutilation. We even got a weekend cat fight between the house and senate where they agreed to “punish” each other by just not passing bills at all. (Thanks, Rep. Leach!) But, would this be complete without the reappearance if a newly neutered constitutional carry bill?
The head being that large is an artifact of the photoshop, no relation to Abbott/LAM
That’s right. Texas, the gun shootin’, rootin’ tootin’ state itself, couldn’t get unadulterated constitutional carry. Instead, we got a watered down, “LEO organization approved” version. Restrictions include having to be over 21, not applying to certain misdemeanor conviction holders, and not expunging certain unlawful possession of a firearm offenses. What this actually means is that there is legislative toe hold to go back on this, or for judicial bench expansion of restrictions after the fact.
Better than nothing, sure, but unacceptable when the Texas GOP controls both House and Senate. Every session should be a week long blitz of prepared bills getting slammed through, making the GOP platform the de facto law of the land. But your legislators don’t want to do this. They want to keep the grift going as long as possible. That’s why they lie to you, mock you behind your backs, and actively take money from the very organizations they promise to help destroy.