The Price of Justice Reform will be Measured in Blood and Bullets
18-year-old Darriynn Brown allegedly resisted arrest on April 27, 2021. He was eventually apprehended, but he was not kept in jail. He was released the same day. A couple of weeks later, on May 15, Brown allegedly kidnapped 5-year-old Cash Gernon and is a suspect in his murder. (we continue to post updates here). While the details are still being sorted out, the fact that the accused kidnapper had been released from jail less than a month before the crime is disturbing.
Cash Gernon and alleged kidnapper, Darriynn Brown
Unconfirmed social media posting about Brown among concerned neighbors. The police refuse to enforce the law.
This doesn’t look like the Duncanville Greg Abbott grew up in.
Neighbors recently complained a meeting with police that they had been reporting that Brown was prowling their neighborhood for more than a month prior to the kidnapping and that nothing was ever done.
Brown’s Instagram account bio included the words “Thug Life” and gun and knife icons. A stolen gun was recovered from Brown’s home and Gernon was killed with a sharp object.
Before DA’s started getting “woke,” thugs used to spend some time in jail to think about their crimes a little bit. In this case, a young white boy may have been the price of Dallas’ justice reform.
This isn’t an isolated incident. On the same day that Cash Gernon was abducted in Dallas, over in nearby DeSoto, 19-year-old Evan McMaryion, allegedly ambushed and carjacked two adults and their 5-year-old child as they waited to gain entry to a farm. The male driver, 34-year-old Randall "Scott" Thornhill, died from his wounds. His wife, 29-year-old Heather French, was seriously wounded but survived. The 5-year-old was not hit, but his life will never be the same.
Victims Thornhill, French and their son
Alleged killer Evan McMaryion was sentenced to probation for stealing a car and running from police two months prior to the murder
Like Brown, Evan McMaryion had been recently arrested for charges including evading arrest. Police were watching a parked, stolen car when McMaryion returned and got back in it. Police gave him chase and he ran. He escaped for a while, but was later found hiding in a backyard behind a shed. For stealing a car and running from the police, McMaryion was sentenced on March 18, 2021 to probation. Two months later, Scott Thornhill was dead.
If McMaryion had done the same thing in 2019, he would have been in jail and Thornhill would still be alive. But the “reformers” started going hard in 2019. Then COVID hit and they began emptying the jails. Then George Floyd overdosed on drugs and the woke/soft approach to crime and punishment got worse and worse. Violent crime is up all over the metroplex, but that hasn’t changed the demands of the BLM rioters.
Judge La’Donna Harlan sentenced McMaryion to probation in March
Meanwhile in Arlington, on May 13, 2021, hoodlums fired bullets on a single house and the vehicles in its driveway for the sixth time. As reported by the Star Telegram,
"Arlington police arrested two teens in early April and accused them in the shootings in the previous incidents at the Arlington home.
But trouble started again on May 13, according to Arlington police reports."
Video of one of the shootings can be seen here. The two teens who were arrested in April were bonded out soon after the arrest. We can’t be sure that the two teens, Tyxavion Pimpleton, 18, and Brian Lawrence, 19, were responsible for any of these crimes. They are only allegations. But, we might all be safer if they waited in jail while we find out.
Tyxavion Pimpleton, 18, and Brian Lawrence, 19, were arrested and released in April
The two shooters from one of the incidents in Arlington
DFW residents have choices to make. Do we we want to be soft on young black criminals or do we want peace and security?