Austin Makes Bid for Texas Hobo Capital

Not only “Keeping Austin Weird,” but Making Austin Mental (implying it isn’t already), the Austin city government decided to ignore voter’s decision to end homeless camping. In fact, Austin proposed creating a list of 45 public camping sites merely a week after 57.7% voted to ban public camping.


While the potential camp sites are being fought over, (with identity politics whining playing a role), Left-wing leaders brazenly ignore the will of local people. While Republicans are generally too weak to defend their own constituents and interests, Democrats willfully ignore theirs all to defend their own agenda. City leaders have given the homeless a move-out request for August 8th, though unlikely to enforce it considering current actions. Austin is creating designated campsites for homeless now that will each have electricity, water service, bathrooms, showers, and perimeter fencing; that’s an expensive way to ignore local outcry. Austin officials even ignore pressure from the Texas Senate to clean the city up.

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While Austin has been known as a hipster cesspool, the events occurring are truly abnormal. From a strategic standpoint, it makes sense if your end is to drive out the segment of your population that desires order and sanity, and tends to vote in that manner also. It’s the use of anarcho-tyranny as a means to secure power. When your goal is to have eternal power and drive out the sane, this is a plan you could go for, even if it requires wanton chaos and the destruction of historic landmarks.

Speaking of political terraforming, why does the GOP fail at making their own areas bastions of pro-Texan, and pro-Rightist values? As evidenced by the Texas Legislature’s Screw-Job Session, those not actively screwing us are busy demonstrating they can count to potato.

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So what should Republicans do in order to make Leftists leave Texas at first opportunity? Here’s some suggestions (I know they’ve failed in some of them, but it’s still worth pointing out):

  • End child gender mutilation, and chemical castration

  • Crack down on sanctuary cities

  • Quit subsidizing Woke Inc. (if we can ban subsidizing companies that boycott Israel, we can ban those backing BLM, and other groups that subvert our own nation).

  • Pass ACTUAL Constitutional Carry

  • Abolish Abortion

  • (Seriously) Ban CRT

  • Pass common-sense vote security (also known as election integrity)

  • End the border crisis, by securing the southern border

  • Support actual law and order rather than just tweet on it.

  • A total ban on Superflu lockdowns

  • I can go on.

    Start legislating like conservatives, and then the lone star will truly illuminate the other forty-nine.


BREAKING: New Scam Abortion Legislation Headed to Governor’s Desk!


The Price of Justice Reform will be Measured in Blood and Bullets