Racist KKK Leader Endorses Allen West for RPT Chair


Current Revolt reporter Tommy Oliver sat down to interview the KKK Leader of the Texas Chapter, Mario Sanchez-Rodruigez on his surprising endorsement of Allen West for Republican Party of Texas Chairman. 

Tommy: Great to talk to you Mario. Thanks for agreeing to speak with us about your endorsement of Lt. Col. West. 

Mario: Pleasure to speak you will you well, Mr. Oliver. 

Tommy: When did you realize you were a racist? 

Mario: Actually, it wasn’t until 2015 when Donald Trump came down the golden staircase, announced he was running for President and said Mexicans were raping did my racism really take root. I fact-checked what he was saying and I’ll be damned if those brown beaner bastards weren’t indeed raping American women. 

Tommy: You’re now the Leader of the KKK of Texas. It’s the largest racist organization in the country with over 4 million dues-paying members. How have you been so successful in organizing? 

Mario: It’s all about the color of the skin. We rally people around the ideals of the American founders. We see people’s skin, and if it’s different than ours, we instantly know we should hate them. It’s really that simple. You see the skin, you hate. 

Tommy: You’ve come out now in support of Allen West, who is black, it seems unlikely. What is behind this decision? 

Mario: As a virulent skin-hater, the way I see it is we need to elect a black man as the leader of the white man’s party. That way, it will be like a “racial reset.” Blacks and whites will be able to go back to being equally racist against each other. For too long, it’s been one sided. I believe Allen West is the way to do that. After all, there’s only one racist. The human racist.


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