2040 — Texas Young Republicans March to Honor Trans Kid Annie Harbuck
From a Future Article in the Texas Tribune:
August 14, 2040 — Dallas, TX
The Texas Young Republicans held a march to remember transgender icon Annie Harbuck on Saturday. About 12 people were in attendance as the group marched down Martin Luther King Blvd.
It’s been a busy year for the TYR. The group has participated in a march down MLK Blvd every Saturday since January. Some of the events included the quarterly LGBTQ-MAP Parade, March Against Hateful White Males (in coordination with the SPLC), a Fetishist Rights Movement March, a March in Solidarity with Martin Luther King Jr., a March Denouncing Martin Luther King’s Rape Jokes, 14 Holocaust Remembrance Marches, a Kid’s Themed Gay Pride March, a Hindu Community Mediation Event in hope for BLEXIT, A We Are All Log Cabin Republicans March, a Bipoc Awareness March, and March Celebrating the 10 Year Anniversary of the Abolishment of ICE.
Despite these symbols of outreach and solidarity, some say the Republicans still aren’t inclusive enough.
Filomena Torres is the Dallas County area leader for the In and Out Republican Club of Texas, a group that advocates for the equal rights of people who like to insert foreign objects into themselves. Mrs. Torres said “Members of the In and Out community have experienced systemic oppression from Republicans in the past. While we applaud their efforts in including our insertion hobby into their core principles, there is still more work to be done.”
The In and Out group hopes their booth application will be accepted before the YR State convention.
The March for Annie Harbuck was reportedly a huge success and went off without a hitch. The 12 members of the march held signs and donned tie dye shirts and pants. Annie is widely considered a hero among the ‘gay and other stuff’ community. She rose to be such a prominent figure in the movement after getting abducted by her mother as a child, sterilized, then later in life trying frantically to reverse the sterilization before accepting the fact that she was permanently sterilized. The National Young Republicans inducted Annie and her mother into their civil rights Hall of Fame earlier this year for their courage in pioneering the child experimentation.
Lady MAGA, Chairperson of the Young Republicans of Texas said the marches will go on indefinitely and the Young Republicans will continue to take cues from the media and the Democrats as to where they should stand on issues.