MEME CONTEST - 1st Prize: Custom Pit Vipers
Just in time for the shorter days of fall, Current Revolt is giving away 1 custom pair of Pit Viper sunglasses to the whomever submits the funniest Dade Feelin’ meme.
Dade Feelin’ is a new meme we have created in our meme laboratory. But due to shortages in the supply chain from Covid, we are unable to keep up with meme demand.
Therefore, we are opening up this meme contest to our amazing readers.
The only requirement is that the words Dade Feeelin’ appear somewhere on the meme. Obviously, this is in reference to political traitor and liberal Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan.
It doesn’t have to be about groping men, it can be an emo Dade Phelan crying while listening to Bright Eyes and thinking of past boyfriends. The possibilities are endless!
First Prize will receive a pair of free, customized Current Revolt Pit Vipers.
Second Prize is a set of steak knives.
Colors and styles will vary
To Enter:
Send your memes to
Submissions are 100% anonymous and confidential. No name is required for entry. You will be notified via email if you are selected as a winner and your prize will be mailed wherever you want.
The contest ends October 21st, and the winner will be announced that afternoon.
4 runner-ups will receive a free Mask Exempt button.
Good Luck!