Abbott Orders (Possibly Fake) Ban on Vaxx Mandates
After hope arose in light of a general strike by purebloods, there’s new developments for those wanting a hero against mandatory deadly vaccines. Today, Greg Abbott, signed an executive order purported to ban “all entities” from mandating their employees get the myocarditis injections. The previous bill only covered state government contractors. The reason given by Abbott’s office for this limited scope was some gibberish about “we don’t regulate private businesses.” The order issued today actually covers all companies and bans all entities from having their employees submit their bodies to being government lab rats.
First however, I’d like to give Abbott a rare moment of praise. I must say I’m impressed that Abbott actually decided to put physical consequences in an executive order. In fact, as pointed out by Texas GOP chairman Matt Rinaldi, this could open up psycho companies to even more lawsuits.
It looks like Abbott may have done something good. We at Current Revolt normally love to bash him, but we also give credit where it’s due.
It’s not everyday Abbott goes without doing something non-cringe
This executive order would forever end forced vaxxtardation, IF enforced, which we sincerely hope Abbott does for the good of Texas.
What we won’t do however, is spout the retarded agitprop that he’s doing this from the goodness of his heart, or that he’s a true conservative. There is no new SCIENCE and no new concept of freedom that have been discovered. It’s all political pressure from one source — the three GOP primary contenders: Don Huffines, Allen West, and Chad Prather. The entire GOP Right’s base have demanded full action against mandates for almost a year, with Abbott only acting when pureblood resistance approaches all-time highs, and his opponents grow more formidable.
Nonetheless, Abbott did the right thing and it should benefit Texans; hands down.
While he’s done numerous executive orders in the past, Abbott has a disturbing tendency to not enforce those that actually make Texas a better state (and soon-to-be country again). For instance, towards the bottom of the aforementioned executive order, he states that among the past executive orders that it would not supersede was Executive Order GA-13. What the order was supposed to stop, was bailing out thugs and other scum during this eternal flu panic. For instance:
“Article 15.21 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby suspended to the extent necessary to prevent any person’s automatic release on personal bond because the jail of the county where the offense is alleged to have been committed does not take charge of the arrested person before the 11th day after the date the person is committed to the jail of the county in which the person is arrested.”
Judging by the skyrocketing crime rates ravaging Texas, with criminals still being released on bail, Deals on Wheels chose coddling subversives over imposing the order and protecting Texans. In fact, you may have seen one instance recently.
Ah, the “white privilege” we’ve heard so much about
So, will Abbott stand up and start acting like a sane governor by putting Texans first, or is this just a slight aberration and he’ll continue with screw jobs? Only time will tell.