PLANO: GOP-Endorsed School Board Member Promotes CRT Gibberish UPDATED 10/18
Cody Weaver reached out to us to explain his side of the story which, we accept, is the correct side of the story. He explained the comment was in jest and of sarcasm. We can argue Cody’s ability to convey sarcasm all day but we know we got it wrong here either way. After chatting with Cody we’ve realized he’s pretty great and appreciate the work he’s doing across Texas. We’re leaving this post up as a reminder that we don’t always get it right but we will recognize and remember when we don’t. -CR
One of the most talked about, and most important, issues facing our society today is the threat of Critical Race Theory (anti-White propaganda) being taught to our children. Parents have been largely successful in fighting back against it. So much so that now the FBI has announced it plans on harassing normal parents for speaking out against CRT.
Cody Weaver, a Board Member at Plano Independent School District, has seemingly begun his decent into pushing critical race theory nonsense.
The Texas Realtors Association recently pushed out some woke-level “Latinx” nonsense that received quite a lot of negative feedback. So much that TRA had to call in it’s Diversity board to fill the comments with fake compliments to try and outnumber the negative feedback they received.
In the comments we find PISD Board Member Cody Weaver thanking them for the woke-post and even adding a CRT-associated hashtag, #structuraldeterminism.
What is structural determinism that Cody seems so proud to talk about?
A quick google search shows links to Karl Marx theories (communism).
A deeper dive shows this is a concept inexplicably linked to CRT.
From the book Critical Race Theory: An Introduction:
Structural determinism: Concept that a mode of thought or widely shared practice determines significant social outcomes, usually without our conscious knowledge. (pp. 155–156)
It’s like dark matter.
These examples point out the concept that lies at the heart of structural determinism, the idea that our system, by reason of its structure and vocabulary, cannot redress certain types of wrong. Structural determinism, a powerful notion that engages both the idealistic and the materialistic strands of critical race theory. (p. 26)
The problems are so secret that words don’t exist in our language that can even explain the problem, much less solve it.
It’s very scientific, you see.
Stupid hashtag aside, why is a GOP endorsed school board member celebrating woke “latinix” usage from obviously leftist propaganda?
The word “Latin” already exists
Who knows.
Based on Plano’s last election and the bizarre stuff coming out of the Plano GOP, Cody might see the writing on the wall and is working to adjust his messaging in order to stay in office once Plano goes blue.
Or maybe he’s just been soft all along.