Texas GOP & The Grift Right
To properly inform yourself on Texas politics, one of your most important tasks is to learn about the various scams Republican officials use to trick their voters.
Even Texans who lack the knowledge on the specifics of the scams understand intuitively that our political system consists almost entirely of various scams at the present moment. As a political party, the GOP is approaching Peak Scams.
When normal people discuss politics, they will often talk in terms of results.
Texas politicians and their advisors, on the other hand, think and speak of politics in terms of deception and grift.
When senators and representatives are dealing with voters, the legislative process is their concern, not the legislative outcome. As a voter, you want legislation passed that will affect change in the real world. Our politicians only want to use the process to obfuscate, deflect blame, and to dazzle voters with the illusion of a democratic process.
You see, there is an inherent problem in passing legislation Republicans want, because delivering on a list of promises means that voters will no longer need the politician anymore. So much like an abusive relationship, a key strategy for the GOP is to create voter dependency by never delivering against rising leftist tyranny.
Consider This
Since 2008, Republicans have been winning massive electoral victories throughout the nation, and yet the change Republican voters want never manifests.
In fact, you may have noticed recently that things are getting exponentially worse.
Our most basic rights are on life support. Texas Republicans refuse to admit they were tricked into stripping away all of our rights because the TV told them to be scared of a flu virus. Now, they’re all wearing these ridiculous masks in the Capitol during session, looking like complete idiots.
Rep. Brooks Landgraf is saving millions of lives by hiding his face
If you want to change things, you must develop a discerning eye for Republican tricks.
Readers of this site are smart enough to spot tricks, and it’s time politicians started to answer for these tricks and explain why they insist on being tricksters shilling endless trickery.
When you see a Republican talking about a legislative proposal, do not “trust” first and then “verify.”
Assume it is a trick and find the trick.
When a Republican is talking positively about legislation or posting about legislation on social media, Run DMC’s single It’s Tricky should be playing in your head as you figure out how they are lying.
You will be right about 95% of the time if you assume these Republicans are trying to trick you.
So let’s look at some of these recent tricks.
The trick I find most offensive comes to us from one of the top tricksters in Texas, Republican political traitor and State Representative Jeff Leach.
Leach’s “Texas Essential Churches Act” is essentially the government taking away our most basic right to worship, then giving it back to us, and then promising not to take away this right again in exchange for political support in the form of continued allegiance to Jeff Leach.
This is happening with a straight face.
Didn’t see you at any protests when the churches were closed, Jeff
Jeff Leach also gave us the biggest trick of the 2019 session with a constitutional amendment banning the state income tax.
there was no state income tax at the time
a state income tax was already illegal
a state income tax already required voter approval to legalize
Once again, passed with a straight face, this income tax ban gives you the same freedom you already had.
Leach is also stumping for Abbott’s tricks.
Abbott recently did an executive order said to “ban vaccine passports.”
When you read Abbott’s execute order, you see that vaccine passports are not banned, and making such a claim is a total lie.
So why are Leach and Abbott lying to people about this topic that many are so worried about?
It’s maddening.
A mainstay of Republican grifting is the promotion and passing of fake “pro-life” bills.
Over half of House Republicans signed onto a bill called the “Human Life Protection Act.”
The bill ostensibly makes abortion illegal, but if the law was passed, nothing would happen. In fact, abortion is already unlawful in Texas.
So the fake abortion ban would make abortion — which is already illegal — even more illegal, but only in a theoretical sense.
What is the point of this?
Any explanation other than “pure trickery” makes zero sense.
“Look at me, I’m banning abortion!”
Back in 2017, Republican politicians tricked voters into believing that sanctuary cities for illegal aliens were banned.
This was, of course, a trick.
All of the illegal aliens are still here, and large cities are still sanctuaries for illegal aliens.
We know the law was a trick because the Harris County DA violated the law by releasing a dangerous illegal alien, convicted of multiple violent crimes, back into the community where he promptly murdered a police officer. Nobody got in trouble for violating the “sanctuary cities” law, because the law was a scam to trick you.
Harris County DA Kim Ogg suffered zero consequences for violating the sanctuary cities ban, resulting in the death of an officer
Sometimes the tricks are even more hollow, such as this tweet by Abbott which declares his desire that Texas be a “2nd Amendment sanctuary state.”
This is another thing that means literally nothing.
It’s a scam, akin to fake the vaccine passport ban, presumably to raise money to add to his $40M campaign account.
There are so many scams, it’s not hard to come up with a lengthy list, much longer than this article.
In fact, I became of another one within the last few hours in HB 3979. Legislators seem to be using back channels to promote this bill, because they too are terrified of the media to do it themselves. The bill is being sold as something that would ban critical race theory from schools. This is a topic that a lot of people are very alarmed by.
However the bill is, once again, fake, and does not do that.
At best, it could eliminate a fraction of a fraction of this ideology from schools. After reading the bill, I am led to believe none of the lawmakers actually understand the topic of CRT and how it’s permeating in our schools.
It’s humiliating that this is the reality of our situation —that the only representation Republicans have in Austin are scammers.
Of course, the ultimate trick is HB3. Even though we have it covered extensively on this site, we haven’t scratched the surface on the number of scams within that bill.
Here is the current status of the Republican Legislative Priorities, according to Texas Scorecard’s tracker:
None of these things are going to happen, except for possibly a fake election integrity law, but even that is questionable. We may very well end up with nothing.
Ok, So Here’s What We Do
The culture in Austin right now is disgusting. As a general rule, we can say that anyone who is elected right now is disqualified from being a part of our movement. What we need are radicals, preferably working class people (which will require raising the pay of legislators).
We are dealing with a government that would throw you and your family in a camp because a virus exists. These camps and the mechanisms to put people in them during a pandemic were outlined in HB3. In this type of scenario, we are looking at politicians who, instead of fighting for your release, would announce on social media that they’ve banned virus camps. Nobody would know the camps exist either, because social media would ban anyone talking about them.
Governments don’t try and pass laws giving immunity to a newly deputized state military to serve as guards at virus concentration camps unless it is something they intend on doing.
We went from this in 2015 to a total invasion of unlimited refugees at the border in 2021
We need to figure out a way to differentiate between those within our movement and those not in our movement in the context of a GOP primary.
We need an issue that separates the patriots from the grifters. An issue that Republican cowards will not champion.
I think you know what the issue is.
It’s the one issue that gives us a chance to solve our problems.
We need to reignite a spirit of rebellion.