Half Measures
Medical gender transitions have only been made possible by social transitions started, decades ago.
It should be no surprise by now that the GOP is a party of failures and grifters. The fifth column of libertarians stymies the effective use of power, and the grifters delay anything effective out of worry of their pocketbooks and influence points. Almost all GOP elected officials and party apparatchiks exist as one of these two.
One of the obvious win positions ought be child gender transition. Despite this being an issue for going at 5 years in the case of James Younger, just now the party has moved to act. Current Revolt’s dedicated and secretive corps of deep cover operatives and networks of informants have informed us that HB1399 will be pushed out of committee and onto the floor soon. HB1399 covers the bases of HB68, 2693, and 4014.
Current Revolt actively plans for an Operation Manwolfpig to resist a Greg Abbot third term.
HB1399 includes aspects of these other bills. It covers medical insurance coverage, physical and hormonal transition of the child, as well as several ancillary one offs. This does not, however, address the issue of the social transition.
Nothing about these bills would prevent the mental abuse suffered by James Younger at the hands of his mother. Nothing about these bills would prevent someone like her from dressing her son up as a girl, giving him a girl’s name, nor using the courts and doctors to force others to do so as well.
The GOP has been aware of this case, and others like it for years. The only reason they act now is because the political coast is clear. Rage is now in vouge. Jonathan Stickland - one of the few good politicians in Texas - relayed an antidote at a recent True Texas Project event. When a random bill was on the floor, he proposed a simple, unrelated amendment, “This bill does not prevent a local municipality from using their authority to ban abortion.” (Paraphrased liberally from the author’s memory.) Fellow Republicans responded as gibbering apes, one of whom screamed at him, “IF YOU DO THIS STICKLAND, YOU’RE EFFING DEAD TO ME.” Less than two years later, the one who yelled was using that amendment’s language, verbatim, to lead an anti abortion charge in his town.
Rep. Harvey Dent: He makes his own luck (safe political platform)
Current Revolt’s sources have reported much stronger, more comprehensive bills dying in committee due to the interference of the libertarian fifth column and the apathy of the grift class. Solid men like Matt Rinaldi, Jonathan Stick, and Don Huffines have been pushed out, marginalized, and hated by their colleagues because they stand for what they believe and act on it. Such behavior, of course, bad for business or, worse, might infringe on “muh liberties”. The laws of nature do not end at the capital steps in Austin, Exert power, or have it exerted on you. This is a zero sum game. Those who choose to win, do so at all costs.
Jonathan Stickland loses his seat. Colorized.
Medical transition bans are good, but the social transitions are what started the whole mess. It’s what allows the gaslighting, rape, and abuse of the youths who are weak, vulnerable, and unable to defend themselves. Hammer your rep. Tell them to do something about the social transition. Force them to act.