Suppress Democrat Votes with ONE WEIRD TRICK

It’s actually not possible to make a compelling case as to why increasing voter turnout will improve the quality of our government. The idea that dragging people to the polls who don’t even bother to vote now will somehow improve governmental results is a concept that is presented to schoolchildren in America as an unquestionable truth and virtue without explanation, because explaining why certain things make sense is a legacy of white supremacy.

There’s also the fact (confirmed) that if you question the concept of universal democracy, you are pure evil.


What this means is the American founders simply weren’t smart enough to realize the brilliance in giving any citizen, no matter how stupid or useless, the same right to vote as the father of 6 who’s a pillar of his community.


“What if we just let everyone vote no matter what?” is actually a remarkable breakthrough in human achievement and progress. Experts say that nobody had ever thought of this concept of until the 20th century because prior to 1920, it’s believed the human mind could not comprehend such an ingenious system for societal governance .

Unfortunately, Republicans are trying to suppress the vote this election. If they succeed, the result will be the total loss of our democracy.

Texas Tribune:

Thousands of Texans spent hours waiting in long lines to vote early over the past 10 days. Many wore masks. Some didn’t.

But the sight of those maskless voters, eight months into the coronavirus pandemic, has surprised and alarmed some Texans, especially as face coverings are required in most public settings across the state.

“I have a decision to go to a restaurant or not, or go inside Walmart, based on their mask policy,” said Jim Lucas, from Hideaway, who voted in person with his wife, Doris, and was frustrated to see people without masks. “It’s my right to go vote, and you’re going to put me in that situation? It just sort of irritated us.”

Voter Jim Lucas irritated at people breathing

Voter Jim Lucas irritated at people breathing

But as Election Day nears, some voting rights groups are still trying to change the Texas rule and require masks at polling sites.

In July, Mi Familia Vota, the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and two Texas voters filed a lawsuit against Abbott and the Texas secretary of state over a variety of voting restrictions, including the lack of a mask mandate. They said it could endanger Texas voters, particularly those in minority communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the virus.

The United States is a deeply racist country with a racist past and racist stuff everywhere. Before the Civil Rights of Our Values became law, we had racist laws like literacy tests as a requirement to vote. The idea that a person should be able to read before they have a say in the monetary policy of the world reserve currency is an idea bred of ignorance and hate.

On the other hand, requiring people to cover their face in order to vote is just common sense science.

According to science, the coronavirus pandemic has ‘kilt’ colored people of color at a rate nineteen biddyjillion times that of the “certain other kind of person.” Experts say the virus targets minority communities via systemic racism and no other reason.


Republicans are so desperate they’ve hired a virus to try and exterminate the people who vote against them.

My worst fear is that Republicans will figure out that they can suppress the Democratic vote by simply hanging out near the polls without a mask. This is the worst case scenario, as it will ensure Orange Man a crushing victory over Sleepy Joe.

A Republican intimidating a woman of color at the polls by breathing through his mouth

A Republican intimidating a woman of color at the polls by breathing through his mouth

Two members of the Proud Boys working to suppress the vote in Potter County, TX

Two members of the Proud Boys working to suppress the vote in Potter County, TX

An Austin, TX Democrat voter realizing she can’t vote again because unmasked Trump supporters are near the polling entrance

An Austin, TX Democrat voter realizing she can’t vote again because unmasked Trump supporters are near the polling entrance

Trump supporters daring masked Democrats to walk past them to vote

Trump supporters daring masked Democrats to walk past them to vote

Democrats unable to figure out how to vote without dying of coronavirus

Democrats unable to figure out how to vote without dying of coronavirus

Democrat voters being oppressed and suppressed by micro droplets from people breathing

Democrat voters being oppressed and suppressed by micro droplets from people breathing

An undecided voter watching handsome and fit Republicans tear down democracy

An undecided voter watching handsome and fit Republicans tear down democracy

This is it folks. History will remember this moment. If Republicans find out that they can just not wear masks at the polls, Democrat voters will be powerless to stop Trump’s re-election. We must protect our democracy and our values and defeat Donald Trump.


BREAKING: Greg Abbott Spotted without Mask, Covid Death Imminent


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