Texas Republicans Lied About Banning Sanctuary Cities — Houston Officer Now Dead

The blood of Houston police officers is on the hands of Republicans today, and we’re going to name a few names.

Back in 2017, there was much ado about the so-called “ban on sanctuary cities .” The law, signed by Governor Greg Abbott, even though a fake law that didn’t do anything, nevertheless incited protests all across the state from anti-American scum.


This law was supposed to prevent Texas law enforcement agencies from refusing to cooperate with ICE. Republicans told us that the law was somehow going to force law enforcement agencies to turn over illegal aIiens to the feds after they were arrested and taken into police custody by local police. It was obvious at the time the entire thing was a scam to hoax Republican voters.

Thus we had a new fake law and protesters whipped up into a frenzy by the the fake news media to protest said fake law.

We know it was a fake law that didn’t do what they claimed because, well, of course it was.

Also, because this happened.

The Texan:

A suspect accused of shooting two Houston police officers Tuesday, killing one, is not a legal resident of the United States.

Elmer Rolando Manzano has a criminal history dating back to 1994 that includes arrests for felony assault, jail time, and protective orders through 2004. Since Sunday, Manzano’s estranged wife had twice called police alleging domestic violence, but in neither case was the suspect charged or taken into custody.

America is a nation of immigrants, you know

America is a nation of immigrants, you know

This animal from El Salvador had a criminal record in our country dating back 26 years.

Dare we say, “many such cases.”

Amazingly, the people responsible for unleashing this orc into our communities are completely absolving themselves of any responsibility!

…district attorney’s office sent local station KPRC the following statement:

“The only person responsible for this horrible crime is the killer himself and any attempt to blame prosecutors is sadly political and not factual. The officers in these cases didn’t believe that a crime had occurred and that left no evidence on which to base any charges.”

This is similar to dumping a crate of rattlesnakes into your neighbor’s backyard and then blaming the rattlesnakes when they bite and kill your neighbor’s toddler.

The Harris County DA, Kim Ogg, is one of these insufferable leftist white women who, when put in charge of anything serious, behave like a metastasizing cancer on the health and stability of our society and its institutions.

Kim Ogg—gross and grossly incompetent

Kim Ogg—gross and grossly incompetent

What is highlighted in this tragic story is that our cities are, as a matter of indisputable fact, sanctuaries for criminal aIien infiltrators. An infiltrator has to basically trip and fall into a set of handcuffs to get deported.

But wait, didn’t Texas ban sanctuary cities in 2017?


Steve Toth is at least admitting that sanctuary cities exist. I guess he expects that we forgot that Republicans supposedly banned them in 2017 and then ran for re-election touting the ban as an accomplishment to get us to vote for them over any Republican primary challengers.


Every Republican voted for the ban and pretty much every Republican touted banning sanctuary cities in their re-election campaigns. Some are still pretending it’s an accomplishment even after a dead police officer exists to debunk this claim.

He literally claims all the illegals are gone from cities

He literally claims all the illegals are gone from cities

After the law was passed, there were waves of astroturf protests. Why we see this kind of hysterical reaction to laws that do nothing is because of the media. Why the media chooses to whip people into a frenzy for totally benign laws isn’t exactly clear to me. Obviously, there is some alternative, long-term agenda there.


Democrat state reps cried on the House floor like children.


The state rep from China, Gene Wu, who wants to disarm Americans and put us under some kind of communism was crying too.


Republicans are forced to fight tooth and nail for FAKE victories. This shows the depth of controlled opposition in our politics.

If you confront any of our Republicans about this fake law and dead police officer, they will have all kinds of excuses. Most likely, they will talk about how we can’t do anything because of judges. We can’t pass laws to protect us “because judges.” We can’t regulate anything the left doesn’t like “because judges.” We can’t have a country “because judges.”

Those of you who are reading this which are heavily involved in the party need to know better than to fall for these scams.

Let me be clear, most of these people are cowards and/or not serious political minds. Many of these judges claim that, somewhere, contained within our constitution of the United States is the guarantee that a mother can kill her own child. That’s not only a mockery of our culture’s 1,000 year legal tradition, that’s treason. Countless millions of Americans have died due to this treason. We executed the people who gave the Soviets documentation to make nuclear bombs due to the mere possibility of mass American casualties.

There are no options off the table, politically speaking, when it comes to these judges. They have no standing, and if they are in the way of us securing our birthright, we need revolutionary leaders to remove them.

But instead of doing the work, sacrificing for our future, and organizing and energizing the people, we get this:





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