BIDEN: White Man with the Brown Plan

With every passing day, my concern about the Presidential election grows. Trump hasn’t delivered on anything for his voters and also seems confused, and Biden is going to skirt the debates because they’re unable to find moderators due to nearly everyone on Earth being dead from coronavirus.

Now, we see Biden’s master plan coming into focus.

North Dallas Gazette:

On Tuesday, the Joe Biden for President campaign unveiled Joe Biden’s new agenda for Latino communities.

Joe Biden’s plan for our Latino communities is the plan that our families need,” said Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa. “For too long, Republicans at all levels of government have undermined Latino success and took our hard work and communities for granted. This is wrong and it has directly led to the struggles including unequal access to affordable housing and lending that our communities face today.

Regardless of how kooky and drug riddled your average Democrat activist seems, their party is a very serious thing. It actually seems to be a feature of the Democratic Party organization that they capitalize on the prevalence of psychotropic drugs in order to recruit functioning foot soldiers for middle management and campaign ground games.


The Democratic Party is the oldest political party on Earth. Think about that for a minute. The vast changes in society over the last 192 years have been met with masterful precision in their messaging and tactics.

As we approach the election, the Democrats' message is being zeroed in on the only thing that matters: families. “Joe Biden’s plan for our Latino communities is the plan that our families need.”

I’m not going to pretend to fully understand the depth and strategy behind everything that’s happening. From the race riots, to the hoax pandemic, the endless printing of money, the list goes on. But where the winning strategy lies for positive messaging is to talk about the family. That doesn’t mean you don’t also appeal to people’s fears and their interests, but the overarching interest that transcends time and class is the yearning people have for strong families.

You see, everyone’s family has some messed up aspects to them. Bastard children, affairs, mish-mashed families united by happenstance, criminals, homosexual uncles, etc. This has always been the case. But when people think about family, they think of their own family’s best memories, and they dream of the potential for a perfect family situation for their children’s family in the future. This perfect future of course will never be realized, but people desire it.

What are Republicans talking about?

Wow where do I vote for this candlelit vision?

Wow where do I vote for this candlelit vision?

Aside from that, they’re mostly they’re talking about what the Democrats and radical left are doing and saying. Of course, everybody on earth already knows exactly what they are doing and saying because everyone has been locked in their houses for 6 months reading the news. What they aren’t doing is putting forth a coherent national vision.

The best they can do is promise the same aimless goals like “less taxes then you will otherwise pay” or tiptoe around what services they are going to cut to achieve their “limited government” fantasy (hint: none.) One wonders how long they will continue to promise things they can’t and won’t deliver on for their voters.

Texas is 40% Latinx. The success of our Latinx community is the success of Texas.


Let’s look at Joe’s plan for the LatinXXX community. I will translate for the reader (as such.)

Joe Biden’s plan to build the Latino community back better than ever before includes:

• Investing in Latinos’ economic mobility. (Free money, special treatment based on racial group)
• Making far-reaching investments in ending health disparities by race. (Free money for non-whites at the expense of whites to lower disparity in some chart)
• Expanding access to high-quality education and tackle racial inequity in our education system. (More aggressive anti-white critical theory brainwashing in schools)
• Combatting hate crimes and gun violence. (Silencing the speech of whites and disarming them)
• Securing our values as a nation of immigrants. (opening the borders and doing everything under the infallible banner of “Our Values™.”

All these things appeal to people’s interests. Nevertheless, the lead the messaging and pretext for everything is STRONG FAMILIES. Republicans will figure this out sooner or later out of necessity or they will disappear.


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