Young Republicans Cancel One of Their Own
Hot off the heels of Dallas CPAC, which was themed “AMERICA UNCANCELLED”, the Young Republicans National Federation (YRNF) held its annual event in Indianapolis. At the event, leadership indoctrinated the Young Republicans (YRs) about the LGBTQ propaganda that they will be promoting in order to push the Republican Party further to the left. These geniuses have the idea that we can beat the left by adopting leftist ideas.
It’s very stupid, but it seems that the LGBTQ lobby, political consultants, lobbyists, and establishment classes of our party have discovered this is a great way to grift and raise money even though it’s a losing strategy. It’s the epitome of selling out the country for short-term personal gain.
The major highlight of the event was a panel titled “The Future of Party Leadership,” which led to many complaints by attendees. The panel, described by one atendee as a “grooming session,” consisted of an hour-long lecture by the Log Cabin Republicans (Republican gay men’s club that talks politics). During the lecture, the Log Cabin Republicans indoctrinated the Young Republicans that LGBTQ is the future of party leadership, and that they were still mad that they were not allowed to have a grooming booth at the Texas state convention.
Matt Dorsey, who is in Texas Young Republican leadership, and a based and redpilled individual, wrote on Facebook today describing his disappointment that the party has continued to shove LGBTQ propaganda down everyone’s throats (our words lol).
We spoke to several other YR attendees, including several in leadership across Texas, who asked not to be named. They indicated that they were upset and confused about the panel. Here are some of their statements:
“I’m not sure what leadership’s recent obsession with the LGBTQ stuff is. It’s really odd.”
“I don’t think this is a winning issue. You’re splitting the party further apart, especially for those who have Christian views.”
“I don’t understand why this is such a focus and it goes against my religious values. Why are we wanting to push our party to the left?”
“We can’t express our disgust with this issue publicly because leadership flips out. I really do not want our group to be associated with this (LGBTQ) agenda.”
“Although I’m not against the organization (Log Cabin Republicans) itself, there are more important issues to address, it seems YRs are so focused on being inclusive it has backfired for them and the conservatives are turned off”
“Strongest supporter of LCR” huh?
Hayden Padgett, for those who aren’t aware, is the new National Co-Chair of the Young Republicans. He is a gay ally and has a very long history of promoting gay and homoerotic propaganda.
Russia banned gay propaganda and Hayden celebrated that Canada pushed out a “homoerotic” commercial. Pretty weird flex!
We’ve written previously on the YR’s desire to turn Texas blue. It’s actually getting quite old explaining why adopting the language, and policy positions of the left is a losing tactic, but we suppose YR leadership knows they can just run to another state, like Hayden Padgett ran away from California, after throwing California Young Republicans into the gutter. If you’re interested in why adopting the left’s platform is an electoral loser, you can read our breakdown here.
Brian Bodine, a grassroots activist, former leadership of Texas Young Republicans, and now Vice President of Texas Freedom Coalition, decided to attend the national event in Indianapolis this weekend.
Bodine is a clean-shaven gigachad
Bodine is a patriot who spends time in DFW and Austin fighting for conservative values and fighting against the destruction of our basic American freedoms. The entire story and breakdown can be read on his Facebook page. But, to sum it up, whether it was some previous beef with YR leadership or the fact that Bodine is outspoken about his beliefs, this did not jibe with YR leadership.
Brian had also gotten approval from YR leadership to attend.
Despite the fact that he had a ticket, had previous approval, and was already in attendance, Brian Bodine received an email, during the middle of the conference, notifying him that his ticket was refunded . Hotel security subsequently removed him from the event. Hotel management also banned him from every Marriott in the Indianapolis area, as seen in this video in a confrontation with Marriott security.
Bodine was canceled. Ironic, considering the CPAC convention just a few weeks prior was titled “AMERICA UNCANCELLED.”
Security and YR leadership also asked Bodine several times if he was “broadcasting” or “podcasting.” Seems like an odd thing for YR leadership to be afraid of, considering, you know, the whole first amendment thing.
We do not know what YR leadership told Marriott management about Bodine in order to get him banned from the entire Marriott Indianapolis region. Rumors are that YR leadership told Marriott that Bodine attended the Jan 6 Capitol event (he didn’t) or said Bodine was a part of some weird militia (he’s not).
The Young Republicans told Bodine that the event was “at capacity” and this was why he was not allowed to attend. This is obviously a lie. Had this been the case, he would not have been banned from every Marriott in the region.
We reached out to Marriott hotel management via phone for comment, were met with a “no comment,” to which we replied “ur gay,” and hung up.
Sorry Bodine, but this is a vast anal conspiracy and you’re blacklisted
Why are the Young Republicans and their auxiliaries intent on destroying the Republican Party of Texas? We call on Hayden Padgett to explain and provide examples of how tricking conservatives into supporting homosexuality will win elections and save America, and please, be specific.
Very cool! This is how we win!