Texas Republicans File Lawsuit Against Their Previous Lawsuits for Not Working
Lawsuits filed by a litany of Texas Republicans were hit with a lawsuit of their own late Friday. The lawsuit was not targeting Republicans, but the lawsuits themselves. The suit alleges that the lawsuits aren’t working as they should, as evidenced by the fact that nothing ever happens.
In the lawsuit, filed Friday with the state Supreme Court, Republicans say that statistically at least something should have happened with all these lawsuits they’ve filed over the last six months. Although nobody knows the true number of lawsuits, sources say it’s a “buttload” as evidenced by the fact that there’s a new one almost everyday. Proponents say the only explanation for so many lawsuits accomplishing literally nothing would be the existence of widespread collusion among Republican officials to hoax their own voters. And that obviously, definitely never happens.
Current Revolt’s legal analyst Slippy Toad says the move is bold and unprecedented. “Basically, they have filed a lawsuit against other lawsuits in general, alleging they aren’t working. It really doesn’t even make any sense, but Republicans are able to post to their social media once again that they filed another lawsuit.” Mr. Toad called the strategy “retarded” and added “these Republicans file these lawsuits and sit on their asses all day making phone calls begging for money.”
Critics say Republican lawsuits are unlikely to even be heard for months or years due to the existence of “a virus.” Democrats activists, however, are still pushing forward with their own agenda.
A very peaceful protestor
A racist cop about to murder “on sight of the skin”
Star-Spangled Banner re-enactors
Just kids doing kid stuff
Racial entrepreneurs petitioning the government to stop genociding all the blacks
Current Revolt caught up with a protester, who requested to remain anonymous, and we asked about the stark contrast in approaches from the Republican leadership filing lawsuits and Democrat politicians inciting riots and terrorism.
“Sheeeeit, I don givafukabout raycist Republican. I out here for my people. Dey killin us so fast dey ain’t gon b nuth’n left if Trump wins again and that KKK muhfucka John Cornyn. Yaknowut I sayeeng? Black Lifes Matter.”
Tommy Oliver reporting