Heroic Waco Minister Says He Called On the Lord To Smite Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Ok, this is epic.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

… Radiant Church leader — a TV guest of televangelist Jim Bakker and once an opening act for Benny Hinn — said that on a visit to Washington, he led other pastors to pray for God to “shut the mouth of the lion” defending current abortion laws on the Supreme Court.

“Well, guess what?” he said last Sunday.

“Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away. .... That’s no accident.”


In the clip below, we see the minister making the true statement, and the left wing media highlighting his truthful statement. They seem to believe the mere act of them highlighting the statement somehow refutes or discredits it.

The founding fathers of these United States believed that God governs in the affairs of men, and that empires rise and fall by adherence to God’s commandments. You can disagree with calling on God to smite someone, but Ruth Bader Ginsberg is someone who rejected Jesus Christ and through her position of authority has led many away from Christ and into sin.

This was her aim all along.

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ

Next time, the minister should try a more tasteful and touching tribute like this one.


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