What’s Going On With The Trump Vote?

In an unprecedented but totally predictable failure, the polls were wrong by even more than they were in 2016. As it turns out, people weren't generally enthusiastic to go out and vote for a senile octogenarian and the only woman in US history somehow more insufferable than Hillary Clinton. The election is still tied up with dead voters and legal battles, but even if Trump loses, it'll be a razor thin difference, not the runaway double-digit Biden win the fake news insisted.

This minuscule margin is due largely to Trump's incredible performance with minority voters. Despite, or possibly because of the Left's incessant screeching, minorities didn't see Trump as the Great White Hate, and came out in record breaking numbers to support him. He made substantial gains with every single minority group in the country, most notably Hispanics who lived through socialism and are terrified of the Progressives trying to bring it back.

Although this probably helped too

Although this probably helped too

So to all of the based brown people who enjoy our content, we'd like to extend a warm "thank you" for doing your part to save America. As for the rest of *you*, we need to talk. Not only did you not increase your Trump support, you actually came out less. Though I want to be fair, the majority of white men still voted for Trump, and some, I assume, are good people.


I struggle understanding the rationale. What is it with those who dislike Trump who seem to dismiss all of his accomplishments simply because Trump “is a mean guy on Twitter”? I'd call them pussies but women supported Trump in higher numbers, and I'd call never Trumpers f*gs but even LGBTQ$7¡& support practically doubled.

Everyone in this picture has more testosterone than the average Biden voter

Everyone in this picture has more testosterone than the average Biden voter

The economy was kicking ass before the Democrats shut us down over the Commie Coof, we didn't start a pointless war for the first time in a jillion years, we've brought back jobs that are supposed to be gone forever, and we've reduced our pollution emissions even as we've become completely energy independent. It doesn't matter if you're a cutthroat stock market nut or a bleeding-heart, tree-hugging pacifist, Trump has made everything about America better.

All I can guess is that white guilt has gotten to many American men and they just couldn't vote for a racist, but even Biden is the wrong guy. Trump has been taking steps to improve minority communities in tangible, demonstrable ways, and Sleepy Joe wrote the crime bill that disproportionately put them in jail. White male voters are not doing anything to fight racial injustice, they’re just cucking to Progressives in a sad attempt to get an N-word Pass from your wife's boyfriend.

A Nintendo Pass!

A Nintendo Pass!

To the white men who still have their dignity, don't give up hope. The sky isn't falling just yet; Trump is still in the fight, and the majority of white men still have his back. But the fact that white male support is on the decline is deeply concerning. So in light of this trend, I'm calling on men of all creeds and colors to bring back bullying.

Male Democrats and lolbertarians are disgraceful and should be teased relentlessly until they convert. White guilt is cringe and should be treated as such. Progressives don't deserve a single vote from the white men they despise, and we must be vigilant to keep it from them.


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EXPOSED: Massive Voter Suppression in Texas