Tarrant County Orders Holidays Canceled

Today is Thanksgiving Day, the twenty-sixth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fifth. Real President Donald Trump has declared this National Family Week. All should be well.

But all is not well. We are slipping into hardcore despotism of the most absurd variety. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but this is not a joke. Things are not magically going to return to normal, not even close. The government will not give us our freedoms back just because they start distributing a mystery chemical cocktail to inject people with, calling it a vaccine.

What I’m going to explain to you will seem absurd and even comical. On many levels, it is. But this absurdity is not by accident. Instead, it’s yet another aspect of the psychological warfare that is being waged against God’s chosen people, in God’s most choice land, Christians in America.

The Virus

  • This is a cold virus.

  • They are counting cases and deaths unlike any other highly communicable disease in history.

  • It was claimed by the CDC in May the mortality rate was the same as the seasonal flu.

  • The real mortality rate is much lower than the seasonal flu.

  • Everyone stopped talking about and the morality rate in favor of other statistics like excess deaths.

  • 85% of people have zero symptoms.

  • The median age of death is above the average life expectancy.

  • 90% of people who “test positive” in PCR tests cannot even spread the virus (NYT even admitted this.)

  • The antibody test is fake.

  • Stopping a cold virus from spreading is not possible.

  • Constitutional law has been permanently suspended and we are now under a variety of fluid dictatorships.

  • The vast majority of people understand nothing we are doing makes sense, and yet the unseen pressures and incentives ensure compliance with the nonsensical orders.

  • Worldwide, more people are dying of starvation and malnutrition due to stresses on the system imposed by the lockdowns than even the most inflated covid death totals.

Back in May, I told former TX GOP Chairman James Dickey, to his face, that we had less freedom than the citizens of the Soviet Union did at any time under Joseph Stalin. He scoffed at this, despite it being objectively true. Never did Stalin ban people from visiting their family because a new type of cold virus was supposedly discovered. The virus itself is not significantly different from the 100 other viruses that are said to contribute to causing the common cold. What is different is the hype, the fixation, the obsession with looking in every nook and cranny for this virus.


It appears that our country has been conquered and we are now living under occupation. This has probably been the case for several decades, but it’s now manifesting out in the open where it’s now undeniable. The difficult part for most people is figuring out exactly who is behind this takeover and understanding their endgame. This is due, mainly, to extreme internet censorship.


If a Joseph Stalin were at the head of this system, and all these lockdown orders were signed by such a figure, it wouldn’t be hard to mount a resistance because we would all know who to oppose. But the future of tyranny was never 1984. It was always Brave New World. Psychological warfare and deception are the preferred methods of control. They’re much cleaner and ultimately more effective.


The Tarrant County Health Department is now sending out mass text messages reminding people about the mild cold virus spreading through the population.


The language here is that of an official order. “Do not attend gatherings.” There is no room for exceptions or interpretations, and since Thanksgiving alone is not specified, but “holiday season,” it’s clear that the order to “not gather” has already been applied to Christmas.

There are also several typos and other errors in the announcement adding to the humiliation of the situation.

Further, if you click the link on the text message, it takes you to a third-party website where there is a button to “confirm receipt.”


I do not know the significance of having a confirmation button to what is ostensibly a general announcement, but it’s certainly ominous.

People will brush this off by claiming they aren’t enforcing this. The same people said that about the mask enforcement at first. Then, they said all this nonsense would end after the election.

Some will look at this and truly believe this is about public health, even if it’s misguided or unnecessary. Is it really?

Read the above bullet points again. None of that is secret knowledge. Personally, I began to suspect something was amiss when they closed every store except for the grocery stores. This led to everybody congregating at one location several times per week, amplifying their “exposure.”

But let’s assume it is about public health for a moment. Who is giving these orders at the Tarrant County Health Department?

Fake doctor Director Veerinder Taneja

Fake doctor Director Veerinder Taneja

Angela Hagy, Deputy Director (of Snacks)

Angela Hagy, Deputy Director (of Snacks)

These are the top two people at the Health Department. Although I do not believe they are actually making any decisions themselves, ultimately they are signing off on everything.

According to these people, gyms should be forcibly closed while McDonalds remains open. This is said to be done for public health. Look at those photos again and tell me these people have a good enough handle on “health” to be able to make decisions for you about your health.


I’m just going to be honest with you. It’s about to get really bad. If they’re able to pull of stealing a presidential election, they’re ready to go for broke.

Your elected officials, the people who are supposed to represent you in the American power structure, are either literally retarded or complete cowards, or some combination therein. If you live in Tarrant County, you’ll see not a single elected official doing anything about this lawless situation. Current Revolt is working on changing this (more on this later.)

I do not believe all this is inevitable just because the Bible says things will get bad at some unspecified time. In fact, I believe this is a test to prepare us for the real events foretold in Revelations. We are being hardened by God for spiritual warfare.


When the time comes for us to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, the evil forces controlling the hearts of men will not be able to constrain themselves. You will see authoritarianism, with its newfound virus powers, finally sit up from out of the grave. The hard tyranny may not happen in your town this Christmas, but it will happen all across America. It’s going to be a satanic shock and awe campaign.

Just as your doctor tests the reflexes in your tendons, evil cannot help but react to the name of Jesus Christ. Because you, the reader, are not fully under Satan’s power, it’s important to remember that you have full control over your own reactions. These reports of Christians being harassed and oppressed will be widely reported to try and demoralize you and to stir you up with uncontrolled anger. You cannot succumb to this anger and let it stew within you. Such emotions cloud your judgement and such contention is from the devil himself. Just know it’s coming, and prepare accordingly.

James 4:7-8

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

We are committed to providing you with all the tools you need to take down the traitorous Republican officials and replace them with soldiers for Christ and champions for real liberty. We are committed to resisting this Virus Regime. We are committed to advancing the MAGA agenda even if they are successful in removing our president.

We have big plans for the future on how we can accomplish these goals, including expanding our content creation and holding more real-life events. If you enjoy our content and believe in our message, please spread our links and consider making a donation.


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