Texas Republicans Release the Kraken (of autism)

The biggest accomplishment for Texas Republicans in the 2019 legislative session was abolishing a tax that never existed. It was truly a remarkable sight to witness such elation from lawmakers in delivering something nobody asked for, and which act didn’t help a single person.

The biggest promoter of the income tax ban hoax was none other than Traitor Jeff Leach.

Wow I feel more free’er already

Wow I feel more free’er already

After this grand accomplishment of banning the hypothetical tax, thus saving taxpayers trillions in hypothetical dollars, one Texas Democrat is trying pull down Jeff Leach’s pants and expose this charade.

HJR 36 is a joint resolution, filed last week by Richard Raymond, proposing a constitutional amendment in order to “protect taxpayers.” Reading the text of the bill, the author explains the purpose of the amendment, and an insightful truth about government is uncovered.

Article VIII, Section 2-a, 5(b):

The intent of this section is to protect the taxpayers of this state from hidden tax increases by appropriately identifying state-imposed charges as state taxes.

The amendment basically seeks to redefine all government revenue as “taxes” instead of fines, fees, etc. and thus subject to the constitutional amendment on the banning of such.

You see, the government will get its money one way or another. Jeff Leach thinks you are stupid and knows everybody associates “income tax” with the massive deduction the federal government takes from your paycheck. The reality is, you have many more points of interaction with state taxes than federal taxes.

Now that the income tax has been banned, and Republicans have eviscerated the economy with anti-virus lockdowns, they’re going to be looking high and low for new sources of revenue. If they don’t keep the gravy train going, the Democratic corporate press will write stories about how mean Republicans are for cutting one penny in welfare payments to latinx women, or diabetic transgender refugees or whomever else.

The refusal of Republicans to take an effective stance on anything other than serving the interests of large corporations and economic growth at all costs has unleashed a “gotcha — ad infinitum” situation, to which Republicans will have absolutely nothing to stand on other than “not being Democrats.”

I wouldn’t be surprised if, this session, we witnessed an arms race among Republicans to ban other hypothetical taxes. The GOP can never actually live up to this autistic “limited government” ideology they put forth to voters, which is why Republicans seem silly to so many people who aren’t political ideologues.

Cheers to this Democrat playboy in his epic troll, exposing that Republicans have no real intent to limit taxes or government spending/revenue. The only thing Republicans will deliver is a commitment to endlessly hoax their voters.

Richard P.I.M.P Raymond

Richard P.I.M.P Raymond

Call you state Rep ask why they won’t protect your paycheck and support HJR 36.


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