The Free Market Demands You Get Vaxxed

As the number one Republican website in Texas, we know a thing or two about what it means to be a real conservative.

Being a real conservative means that private businesses can go to infinite lengths to abuse you, because they are a private company, which is much different than the government.

Some people have trouble with this concept, so let me break it down for you.

If the government forces you to get vaxxed in order to participate in society, that is pure evil like the Holocaust or socialism. However, if your employer wants to force you to get vaxxed, that is perfectly fine and actually good because it means the free market is working and we are truly free.

Being forced by your employer to take a deadly vaxx so you can continue earning a living in order to pay your property taxes and stay in your home is a sign that you are free and this is a free country. Any questions?

Texas Scorecard:

On Wednesday, Gov. Greg Abbott doubled down on a previous executive order aimed at preventing governmental entities in Texas from requiring COVID-19 vaccines.

Despite the order, however, numerous large employers have ramped up their plans to require employees to receive the injection. A mandate at Houston Methodist Hospital, for example, has earned media attention after a series of so-far unsuccessful lawsuits to overturn the policy.

Legislation has been filed that would prohibit such policies, but Abbott had been silent up until now on whether or not he would support those bills.

In a statement to the The Texas Tribune on Wednesday, a spokesman for Abbott said employers should have been able to mandate COVID-19 vaccines on their employees, saying, “Private businesses don’t need government running their business.”

I’m so glad that Abbott is standing up for freedom and liberty by letting companies mandate that their employees be injected with a deadly vaccine that’s killing so many and causing all kinds of super contagious variants. This is what we call “the free market” and it defines what it means to be a Republican.

For example, if an illegal alien is released by District Attorney Kim Ogg in Harris County, and that illegal alien chops up your spouse and puts their body in a trash bag in the dumpster, that illegal alien will experience the full weight of the law — 18 months in jail with time served and then be deported back to their home country. This is proof our system is working.

However, if Jeff Bezos comes into your house while you are at work and rapes your wife, well… did you read your Amazon Prime terms of service? Ah, didn’t think so.

Any opinion to the contrary is big government overreach.

Another cut and dry example is if Apple wants to scan all of your photos and see if you have any frog memes. If you do, they will quietly pass on your information to the A- D- L and you will be put on a list for use by other multinational corporations. This is fine because Joe Biden, even though he agrees fully with this action, was not officially involved.

The government is spying on you and scanning all your phone calls and electronic communications, and yes maybe it’s illegal… OK, never mind, this is a bad example.

The point is, forcing you to inject literally anything, even the CEO of your company’s semen, is the free market, which is what we have in Texas.

Heck, if a company wants to mandate that you take daily injections of Jeffrey Epstein’s genetic material, that’s their right. Saying otherwise would be government overreach.

Finally Republicans have taken the principled stance and sided with these super powerful mega corporations who are forcing the common people to inject this deadly vaxx.

Private businesses don’t need government running their business, unless it’s ‘color of the skin’ related. That’s different. Those are civil rights. Big difference!




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