7 Reasons White Men Love TX Politician James Talarico
Texas State Representative James Talarico continues to be the best kept secret in Austin. One coalition in particular has increasingly started to place their bets on Talairco as best representing them — White men.
Whether it’s White supremacists, White nationalists, or just your average Christian White male oppressor, they all see Talarico is a flashpoint and renewed hope of returning to “the way things used to be.”
Here are 7 reasons why White men love Democratic Texas State Representative James Talarico
Statistically 100% European DNA
He’s never caused an HR manager to look twice when he marks “Caucasian” on his job applications. While most white Americans have about 98% European DNA, James Talarico is taking the decimal place out to the hundred thousandths on his 23 and me.
White leader in party of mostly non-whites
The grand vision of English colonialism was that of the white manager ruling over the non-white workers — ensuring high quality products at affordable prices for maximum profit. Talarico has certainly capitalized on his role as “leader” within the Democratic Party. Watch out Castro brothers; the Spaniard is out, the Anglo is in.He talks and acts the part (optics)
James Talarico reminds you of a commercial for Lacoste or Vineyard Vines. With a similar Ivy League haughtiness as Obama, but without the forced ebonics, Talarico emits the cool intellectualism that you want to emulate. He accomplishes what the French colonizers never could duplicate in their colonies in Africa.
Literally a professional whitesplainer
Promotes White guy stuff
Talarico panders to “small business owners” who are most likely White men. His public education promotion in the Texas Legislature and the way he advocates for Texas teachers helps White men and their White wives more than any other demographic.
Ironically racist, too smart to be caught
Talarico introduced an amendment in an education bill (HB3979) that was signed into law mandating that teachers teach about White supremacy in public schools. Just in case any of the ~55% Hispanic student population of Texas was ever wondering if anyone had come up with a theory on which was the superior race, LOL, James is there to help them remember.
Meeting of White men
Looks out for his fellow White man
Since Talarico is a Democrat, he promotes feminism and all kinds of other progressive policies. However he only promotes feminism to increase White men’s access to sex with women of all races. Since White men are the most desirable according to every available dataset put out by online dating companies, his promotion of female sexual liberation is ensuring more sex for more White men. Brilliant!
He replaced them!
In the ultimate act of a White Reconquista, Talarico sits in the seat formerly held by a hispanic man, former Representative Larry Gonzalez. Talarico is literally doing reverse replacement theory and getting liberals to praise him for it.
This guy is an absolute madman. Cheers, James!