Patriots Rally to Support Jan 6 Patriots in Dallas
As we have reported, 52 Texans have been arrested for crimes ranging from walking-while-MAGA to being rowdy while walking-while-MAGA. As we learn more about the details of these patriots, their alleged crimes, and the treatment they have been given, we are at a loss for words to describe the situation.
The good news is that other patriots are taking to the streets so that this outrage will not pass unmarked. They will not sit silently while Merrick Garland’s Department of Just-so concocts ridiculous narratives out of the sparse evidence of any wrongdoing, and uses thuggish tactics to intimidate the innocent into taking plea deals.
Yesterday, in Dallas, the patriots were in front of a federal building, calling out this injustice. Many of these people had never been to a protest in their lives. They lived decades never imagining that they would have such cause to protest their own government.
Little wonder, there was no media coverage of the event.
If you have not yet, please take a look at the list of the Texans arrested for January 6 protest at the Capitol.. That list is broken down by area. Find the patriot or patriots closest to you and figure out a way to support them. A letter, a card, that type of thing can go a long way. A gift card or twenty-dollar bill I am sure would be appreciated as well.
Beyond supporting them directly, think about following the lead of the patriots who were out yesterday, by supporting them through group action. For instance, if you live in Borger, where a family of five was recently arrested, think about taking approaching your city council and asking that the city’s flag be lowered to half-mast on the sixth of every month until the Munn family has returned. We cannot leave these people behind.
Finally, start using this as a litmus test for the politicians your support and the pundits you listen to. If those politicians and pundits are not using their power and voices to call out this outrage, they are the fake conservative types who have been duping us for decades. We can’t be duped any longer.
Facebook post from a Dallas protest attendee