Is Gene Wu a Chinese Agent? We Examine the Facts
People are saying that Democrat State Representative Gene Wu is a Chinese spy living in America for the purpose of intelligence gathering and subversion of our republic. While it’s totally his right to be a spy for the Communist Chinese Party, we would never make that claim without first looking at the facts.
Red tie… interesting
Our research team uncovered that this gentleman’s name is not in fact “Gene Wu,” but is actually 吳元之.
That’s some wild shit, because we believe this is some kind of ancient Chinese language. Not the good “Gangnam style” kind, but the bad kind.
Next, we did an Open Records Request on his Wikipedia and found his place of birth.
Son of a bitch
Again, these are just the facts that are quickly stacking up here.
Often the Chinese people will marry other Chinese people because they are extremely racist, only wanting to associate and mix with other chinamen. We hired a private investigator to find out who he’s married to.
Thankfully, it was a woman. But she also appears to be a co-conspirator in their ethnic agenda.
hmmm.. more red… keep digging
He is obsessed with disarming Americans and has an F rating from the NRA. He learned from the Japanese people that America is so strong because there is a firearm “behind every blade of grass” so he really wants your guns.
Two genders
The following evidence is really the smoking gun though.
We did an AI-driven analysis with IBM’s Watson computer and found proof of his connections to China.
We weren’t ready for this.
The readers will have to judge for themselves.
We have presented the science and it looks very much settled.