Cringe Huckster Rep. Jeff Leach Files Fake Religious Protection Act
I spend every waking moment of the day wondering — “What is the point of Jeff Leach?”
Then at night, I lie in bed awake for hours, frantically pondering — “What is the point of Jeff Leach?”
The Dallas Morning News-endorsed Lawmaker from Plano has spent his entire life playing it safe and taking calculated losses for his own benefit at the expense of Texans who want a future. He’s not unique among Texas Republicans in this regard. In fact, almost all of them are just as worthless.
He refuses to go hard like Poncho Nevarez and be a totally corrupt mob-type figure who parties and uses blow all the time while bragging to Mother Jones about human traffickers using his property to smuggle people into America. At least that takes balls.
Leach also refuses to be a people’s champion and sell out banquet halls for fundraisers by aggressively pursuing an agenda that the voters actually want, like Jonathan Stickland.
Instead, he’s running on Lukewarm Conservatism and I cannot understand the point of his existence.
What is the point? It’s utter insanity to spend all this effort on nonsensical trickery.
One thing Jeff will stand up to is an insurrectionist white supremacist attack on podiums in our nation’s Capitol. He recently said it was “heartbreaking” and should “shock our conscience as a nation” to see a guy in a silly hat violating a podium’s dignity like that in the “cathedral of democracy” known as the US Capitol building.
He was obviously shaken to the core by the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s chair. So much so that as he explained how shocked he was, he couldn’t help but let a smirk through as he said it.
Very honest man shaken to the core over that podium thing
He recently did a weird trick where he claimed if we don’t allow Democrats to be in charge of the Texas legislature, then we are trying to make Austin like Washington DC. Then, a few days later he professed his undying and eternal allegiance to Washington DC.
Which is it Jeff?
I don’t even understand what he’s doing at this point.
He is so bad that he is anti-good.
He is actually anti-any-good.
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People have caught on to these smoke and mirrors tricks that don’t actually do anything thanks to free speech on the internet. Nevertheless, he rolled out another trick today, but does he still think these tricks will work in 2021?
Look, Jeff. I’m going to be honest. You need to resign. This is embarrassing for all of us.
Jeff, buddy, we already have a Bill of Rights that covers all of this. It’s actually quite comprehensive.
Article I, Section 6:
FREEDOM OF WORSHIP. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences. No man shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent. No human authority ought, in any case whatever, to control or interfere with the rights of conscience in matters of religion, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious society or mode of worship. But it shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as may be necessary to protect equally every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of public worship.
You can read Jeff’s proposed amendment here. It literally adds nothing at all to the constitution as it stands today. It just says the same thing in a weaker, less eloquent way.
When several County Judges shut down the churches, it’s not because the constitution lacked the wisdom of Jeff Leach’s rhetoric, it’s because they were acting in a blatantly outrageous and illegal manner.
Rights enumerated on a piece of paper mean nothing without an implied threat of action by a united citizenry against those infringing on those rights. Like any effective corrective action, it must be swift and certain. This is how you maintain a free republic.
Jeff, old buddy, old friend, old pal o' mine, we don’t need to vote on another amendment that will pass with 90% support. We need you to not suck. We need you to spend less time on these tricks. Again, here is what the constitution calls for you to do.
But it shall be duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as may be necessary to protect equally every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of public worship.
Jeff, you want to protect the right to public worship? Pass a law saying anyone who attempts to limit or obstruct church service in any way contrary to the desires of a church’s leader goes to jail for 10 years minimum for the first offense. And don’t limit it to state officials, make it apply to federal officers as well.
Better yet, you know what else you could have done, Jeff? You could have led a protest against those who violated our rights last summer.
Are you too lazy to get out there with the people, Jeff? I didn’t see you out at any protests this summer, Jeff.
We were out there protesting this issue, Jeff.
I think you were at home while we were here?
Jeff, we need leaders right now willing to hit the streets with the PEOPLE. Not fake resolutions and dramatic press releases.
There’s a reason that guys like you cower before Black Lives Matter. They’re out in the streets.