“It’s Happening” — and it’s Time to Face the Music
Word has been going around that many people are feeling “regret” over voting for Joe Biden upon seeing what he’s actually going to do.
I mean… what can you say?
They voted for a guy who can barely talk, who’s been in national politics longer than most of you have been alive, and most importantly — He didn’t win legitimately. Nevertheless, Americans went along with it anyways, and now the poor dears are having buyer’s remorse.
It may be worth asking, what did you think you would get?
I knew what you would get with Joe Biden.
I think our readers know what we’re all about to get.
A sobering post was made by the Republican Party of Texas on Sunday. The post began with the short sentence, “It’s happening.”
It is indeed happening, kids. Playtime is over.
The days of Bob Dole are never coming back, regardless of how hard you vote.
The RPT’s post links to a story from the Illinois Review detailing a list of requests some Congressional Democrats sent to the Kamala Harris administration.
It’s the most extreme thing I’ve ever seen national-level politicians sign their names to, but it’s certainly not surprising. We’ve been on this roller coaster for a while now.
The document calls on Biden to make the following changes:
– Eliminate government support for all crisis pregnancy centers and all abstinence-only education programs in schools.
– Deny free speech and religious liberty to select Americans based on their religious beliefs.
– Incentivize states to strip parents of all non-medical exemptions to mandatory vaccinations for children in schools or daycare centers.
– Remove “In God We Trust” from U.S. currency.
– Repeal the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)
– Rescind and replace the Trump DOJ’s federal protections for religious liberty.
– Appoint an attorney general who will support governors whose emergency COVID-19 executive orders restrict gatherings at houses of worship.
– Reverse the Trump administration policies that have allowed faith-based government-funded contractors to provide adoption and foster care services and work with Congress to pass the Every Child Deserves a Family Act.
– Fully and robustly fund “comprehensive” sex education, which to the leftist means encouraging elementary and middle school-age children to declare themselves one of dozens of made-up non-biological gender identities and learn how to engage in various deviant forms of sex.
– Work with governors to educate and combat Project Blitz and encourage the introduction of the Do No Harm Act at the state level. [Project Blitz is a pro-family lobbying group described by the Secular Democrats as “a coordinated effort by Christian Nationalists to inject religion into public education, attack reproductive healthcare, and undermine LGBTQ equality using a distorted definition of ‘religious freedom.’”
– The document tells Biden: “We urge you to avoid invoking the phrase ‘Judeo-Christian values,’ as it has been weaponized by the religious right to advance an agenda that has the veneer of inclusivity but actually undermines religious freedom and tolerance and does not represent tens of millions of Americans implicitly excluded from its formulation.
I can’t say what I really think about all this, lest I get a knock on my door from a friendly employee of the Harris administration. But yikes.
The RPT post goes on to say the plan is to contact our cowardly legislators and beg them to pass laws.
I mean… sure?
It is possible this list is meant to provoke Christians and conservatives and there’s no real intent to actually do any of this. I’m not going to claim to know for sure.
However, I tend to think they’re serious. Because, you know, when someone tells me they plan to hurt me, I tend to believe them. After all, they stole the election and nobody stopped them, so why on earth would they stop now?
It’s time to face the music, ladies and gentleman of the gender binary. I see only one viable solution with the potential to solve any of our institutional problems.
We need Texas independence and we need it ASAP.
I know your college professor told you we can’t do independence. I know your weasel State Rep said it’s “un-American” to actually secure liberty in the manner outlined in the Declaration of Independence. The type of person who is against independence should serve as a testament as to the correctness of this path.
Imagine being loyal to Washington DC in 2021
In this righteous endeavor, we are likely to encounter many naysayers. Nigel Farage can tell you — First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they attack you, and then you win.
The doubters and federal supremacists should be completely ignored by us. We don’t have time to debate doubters and simps for this corrupt system.
Leftists, those who sympathize with leftists, and those who have sold their souls to materialism and the comforts of this world are not relevant to us. We are seeking to lay up our treasures in heaven (Matt 6:19-21) and secure real freedom for our posterity.
As a matter of absolute fact, getting away from these Devil-worshiping weirdos and declaring ourselves free from their influence is literally the most “American” thing in the entire universe.
Picture the average leftist in your mind. Think of the average reader of Living Blue. Are you going to accept these people telling you what to do? These people are delusional if they think they can force us into this type of system outlined in the Congressional Democrat memo to obliterate Christianity from the public view. Christianity is not like their own pornography addictions, something to be hidden away in a dark bedroom behind a locked door and out of public view.
I cannot stress how disconnected from reality leftists have become, and how this fact ensures our victory if we act with confidence.
The most common objection I see to heeding the words of the American founding fathers and establishing a new nation is, ‘because Texas was on the losing side of a war 150 years ago that this issue is settled forever, no matter what.’ They’ll imply that no matter how bad things get, no matter how heavy our chains, no matter how big the boot on our neck, we have to just accept it.
This is absurd on its face. Of course we don’t have to accept anything we don’t want.
At some point, probably over the next few months, you need to come to terms with the fact that this is our only viable option. It needs to be sooner rather than later.
RELATED: Don’t Use the “S” Word
You’ll need to prepare your body for the upcoming struggle —Get in shape and eat healthy. Prepare your spirit to handle what lies before us — gain a testimony of Jesus Christ. Prepare your soul for this great endeavor as we square up against all the great forces of the world — your soul being the union of your body and spirit.
We must reject the Jeff Leach Doctrine of rolling over and bowing down to this hostile globalist takeover of Texas. Submitting and begging for approval will not save us, it will make things much worse.
The Plan
I could type my fingers raw here detailing how national elections are now over. Many have been doing so. They stole this election bigger than Dallas, and if you want a taste of things to come you can read about it here.
We must separate from this evil system of oppression and terror. We could outlaw abortion tomorrow in Texas and there would federal troops in the streets the very next day making sure that mothers are still able to avoid the consequences of casual sex by killing their children.
The courts are fake, the elections are fake, Congress is fake, the money is fake, the deadly virus is fake, it’s all fake.
Therefore, we must immediately:
Start talking to people about Texas Independence
We need to explain how the Texas constitution says Texas’ membership in the United States is conditional. We need to make the case that, the fact that the people who lived in the South lost a war 150 years ago does not mean we are obligated to exist as slaves to an evil system against our will for eternity.
Start a new party or cross-endorse with groups parallel to the GOP, candidates who support Texas independence
The Republican Party is the last major party to come about in the United States. The party was started, and then ascended to power on a single issue — opposing slavery. We need to make the case that we have a similarly pertinent moral claim today and rally all political efforts around this issue of independence.
Forget all the other issues, they are irrelevant under the fake democracy that’s now ruling over us
There are all manner of issues that we can only solve by being an independent nation. Issues like big tech censorship, our basic rights, immigration by all these random people who hate us, etc. Every one of these issues by themselves exist as an insurmountable obstacle in the face of Washington DC. Texas independence offers endless possibilities for sweeping change in every area that afflicts us.
Build momentum and guard against grifters and subversion
This topic is more complex than we can cover here, but essentially, anyone who’s been deeply involved in the current system is not going to be allowed in the new movement. It is true that we need support from portions of the Texas elite class, the oft noted “West Texas Billionaire” (talking to you Tim Dunn) but none of the elected officials we have currently serving in office are invited to our new thing.
Put out the call for all Patriots to come to Texas for freedom’s last stand
This will be of utmost importance. Once we have a little momentum, whatever leaders that emerge need to start projecting confidence and putting out the word to all American patriots and Christians that it’s time to assemble in Texas.
Daniel Cloud was a Texian defender at the Alamo. In a letter addressed to his brother back in Kentucky, Cloud speaks to us in 2021 from the grave, showing us the spirit we must summon.
As the Mexicans were besieging the Alamo, Daniel Cloud, faced with certain death, had an eye focused on total victory for freedom-loving people.
Our Brethren of Texas were invited by the Mexican Government while republican in its form to come and settle, they did so, they have endured all the privations & sufferings incident to the settlement of a frontier country and have surrounded themselves with all the comforts and conveniences of live. Now the Mexicans with unblushing effrontery call on them to submit to a Monarchical, tyrannical, Central despotism, at the bare mention of which every true hearted son of Kentucky feels an instinctive horror followed by a firm and steady glow of virtuous indignation. The cause of Philanthropy, of humanity, of Liberty & human happiness throughout the world call loudly on every man who can, to aid Texas.
Though we may not have the numbers we need in Texas now, there are 74 million Americans who are freaked out by what is unfolding before them. They will come to our aid and enjoy the fruits of a newfound liberty if it looks like we can pull it off.
These 74 million patriots need us, TEXAS, to step up and offer a solution. There is no other solution, and there can be no one else. It’s up to us.
Remember, step 1 is to tell people about this plan, so share this article.