It’s been 3 days since the Kingwood Tea Party admitted to taking down a campaign sign for Don Huffines. The Kingwood Tea Party claims that Walmart asked them to take down the sign. We called Walmart and they denied any involvement with signs or the Kingwood Tea Party.
We would love to get Kingwood Tea Party’s side of the story, but leadership refuses to answer their phones. We’ve been reaching out all weekend for comment.
We spoke with members of the Huffines campaign and we have been told that the Kingwood Tea Party has yet to reach out to them to return the campaign sign.
Instead, The Huffines Team made best of an odd situation and simply added two signs to replace the one the Kingwood Tea Party took.
A couple of interesting things to note:
The Kingwood Tea Party claims Walmart asked them to remove the signs, but they left the T-Posts in place.
Either they did a half-ass job or maybe they were taking the sign without permission and didn’t care about the posts.
The T-Posts don’t seem to be on Walmart property. Which would mean that the original Huffines sign was never on Walmart property meaning the story the Kingwood Tea party gave may be false.
The sign that was taken was directly across from Tin Roof BBQ, where Kingwood Tea Party plans to host Greg Abbott.
A copy of the invitation that KWT is sending out. The event happens tomorrow.
So a potential motive here might be that the Kingwood Tea Party wanted to have a nice, clean, red carpet for Abbott’s arrival and decided to remove any opposing signs, such as the Huffines sign directly across the street from their event on Monday.
Very interesting.
We’ve heard word that Anyone-But-Abbott supporters plan on protesting the KWT event.
Tomorrow 1/17, 7pm. Tin Roof BBQ.