At 2:45 PM today, a Twitter account with the handle @DonHuffinesStan tweeted that a precinct chair informed them that they saw the CEO of the Kingwood Tea Party take down a Don Huffines political sign.
According to the tweet, when the precinct chair asked the Kingwood Tea Party CEO why he was removing the sign, he responded “I support Greg Abbott.”
Unfortunately for the CEO of the Kingwood Tea Party, being a Greg Abbott shill is not a valid reason to remove a Huffines sign.
In fact, it’s potentially illegal.
The Kingwood Tea Party responded to the claim and admitted they took down the sign when asked by Walmart.
It seems incredibly odd that Walmart wouldn’t have one of their own employees remove the sign, or call the Huffines campaign directly, call the local GOP, or the police. Instead, they called the Kingwood Tea Party?
We suppose it’s possible someone at Walmart has a relationship with the Kingwood Tea Party, or maybe the Kingwood Tea Party was upset about the sign and called Walmart to get permission to remove the sign, which, would still be pretty shady. Why wouldn’t the Kingwood Tea Party inform the Huffines Campaign about the sign issue?
We reached out to the Walmart in question for comment and spoke to the manager on duty. She confirmed several things.
She has “been there all day” and “knows nothing about having any signs removed”
She confirmed, she would be the only person on staff that would have the authority to make a decision about reaching out to have a sign removed.
She confirmed that Walmart has no relationship with any local political group, including the Kingwood Tea Party.
She wasn’t aware of any signs on Walmart property. Currently or previously.
Very strange.
We reached out to a member of the Huffines campaign and confirmed that the Kingwood Tea Party has not returned the sign, nor have they said where the sign is.
We reached out to the CEO and treasurer of the Kingwood Tea Party and they did not answer calls.
We were able to get a hold of a member of the Kingwood Tea Party board of directors and they told us they had no information about any signs and did not know anything about signs being removed.
Suspicious indeed.