Lance Gooden Calls for Mass Looting of Russians
Representative Lance Gooden, who represents Texas’ 5th congressional district has filed a bill to cancel Russians. The bill would allow individual Americans to confiscate the property of Russian billionaires. And apparently taking his cues from Gooden, John Cornyn has co-sponsored a bill to cancel Russian gold:
”This Act may be cited as the ‘’Stop Russian Government and Oligarchs from Limiting Democracy Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Stop Russian GOLD Act.’”
We can’t help but think that this would not be happening if Putin came out as gay and trans and joined the Transgender Avengers. While Gooden’s bill appears to limit confiscations to property held outside U.S. territory, it still goes against the spirit of the 5th amendment, which states that “no person shall be deprived of… property, without due process.” Perhaps he got some ideas from John Creuzot. We can think of some people that are salivating at the thought of all this:
Brave American heroes confiscating Russian wealth (they got vodka under that).
We can take a guess as to who in our political class would love to confiscate some yachts themselves:
Daddy Lam promised Phelan that if he was a gud boi he would get a Russian oligarch’s superyacht.
While we at Current Revolt are all in favor of defeating America’s enemies (and of confiscating a superyacht for ourselves), last time we checked we were not at war with Russia and we cannot be the world’s policeman. As reprehensible as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is, we must not succumb to behaving like a cancel mob and blindly deplatform anything and everything Russian. After all, I thought the Left taught us all that America should be against all forms of xenophobia, bigotry, and intolerance. Apparently not when the those targeted are White—in that case, the Left fuels the xenophobia and even demands deportations. Heck, they are even canceling Russian cats. Please think of the kittens!
Save the Russian Blue kittens!
Once a precedent like this is set—confiscation, wealth redistribution— it will eventually be repurposed against American political dissidents, and against the upper middle class (who the Left labels “the rich”). Always remember that the Left is at the levers of power. The Patriot Act is now used to spy on conservatives, and terrorism laws are used to justify keeping January 6th protesters in prison without bail and without charges. In Canada, emergency powers were recently used to silence peaceful protesters. Similarly, policies like these are likely to be expanded by the Left and used against conservatives.
Furthermore, if this policy were to go into place, Russia is bound to retaliate by seizing the assets that Americans own in Russia. Recently, Putin signed a law that would allow Russia to expropriate the assets of foreigners. There are already American pension funds that are hurting because the sanctions imposed by fake-President Biden are causing losses in Russian investments. We must think of long-term consequences of our actions and not merely have knee-jerk reactions. Indeed, Biden’s ill-considered sanctions are already causing inflation and higher gas prices.
If Gooden’s bill passes, it is not just going to be be Russian oligarchs that suffer. Americans will also suffer losses, while some well-connected Americans, such as the corrupt Biden family, will get the proceeds of the seized Russian assets. Hunter Biden will get his pound of flesh—he desperately needs this to pay for his crack and party girls.