American singer and actor, Meat Loaf, died today from what the media and “doctors” are claiming is due to COVID.
Of course you can literally fall off a roof or die in a motorcycle accident and “doctors” will still consider it a COVID death so we may never know the actual cause of Meat Loaf’s death.
Meat Loaf was 74, obese, a former drug addict, and a former alcoholic, so you can be the judge about whether you consider that healthy or not. Nowadays the only way to be considered “healthy” by the government or media is if you’re vaccinated, literally nothing else matters.
Not even buried in the ground yet and Texas State Rep, and suspected CCP Agent, Gene Wu HD137 immediately took to Twitter to celebrate the death of Meat Loaf.
Wu continued on for 4 more tweets, mocking the singer’s death, and accusing Meat Loaf of being anti-vaxx.
Wu is pretty stupid, so much so that he didn’t realize that Mr. Loaf was not “anti-vaxx”, he was simply anti-mandates:
We’ve covered Wu before. There’s really nothing more to say about Wu that hasn’t already been said about communist China.
This is a good reminder though to you soft ones out there that the left will gladly dance on your graves.
Don’t do them the favor of thanking them before you go.