Women Adjusting Well to Abortion being Outlawed by Men
Texas women are coming to grips with Christendom being re-established in Texas. “Abortion illegal ho” is now the law of the land.
As the public debate continues to heat up, Christian lawmakers will have to deal with attempted insurrections against the new law of the land, and democracy.
All people who previously supported pre-birth abortion have been granted amnesty from having themselves post-birth aborted by the State, for now.
The problem is the level of demon possessions is simply unsustainable.
Women are more easily possessed by demons and come under their influence often. Even Mary Magdalene was possessed by seven demons at one point.
Luke 8:2 And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,
Ok but Deez hos right hurr tho?
Just try and process some of these images.
The masks are a very satanic dehumanization strategy to rob people of one of the most meaningful forms of human communication, the body language conveyed through facial expressions.
It’s trite at this point but it’s also got tinges of communism as well. Since some people are more charismatic, empathetic, and attractive than others, the masks serve as a sort of equalizer to human differences. But not even Harrison Bergeron took it things to such an absurd extreme of everyone wearing masks.
I have no idea what a sustained effort to remove this form of human communication from society will do. It seems like it could be a total disaster. Certainly, this is only something a really sick person would want to try.
An abortion will also probably make a woman sick and fat with devils.
Kid be like “yo dis ho killed my brudder”
According to these possessed women doing demonic chants in the streets, Texas is now like the Handmaid’s Tale! The funny thing is we are literally just getting started.
This nappy headed ho said Texas is like the Handmaid’s Tale!
I got something you can carry… a baby!
In Texas, when someone dies in a house you own, that must be disclosed to future buyers by law. The reason for this common sense law is nobody wants to be harassed by demons in a haunted house.
People can act like this stuff isn’t real. But apparently those who deal in the top asset category of the middle class think it’s real.
You think a mother can kill her baby and not have to deal with some demons?
Under the same logic as housing disclosure, abortion disclosures may help Texas reduce its demon-load by warning people about these evil hos.
Texas Right to Life held its annual gala (celebration against the Devil) and during the presentation, they released voicemail recordings from their Houston office.
People who are this passionate about abortion know full well it’s killing a baby.
The people at both extremes of this issue understand it’s a baby being killed with the blessing of its mother.
The masks are also part of this satanic agenda, albeit in ways that are less clear.
Imagine believing one of these throw-away blue masks was going to help you live longer.
People literally think this is a secret life hack for immortality, that some people are just too prideful to adopt their blue mask cult.
Think about this — “You don’t have a right to breathe the air” is a platform that half of all political candidates will be running on next year in America.
I guess for now we just laugh at them.