Texas Military Being Force Vaxxed — West Blames Abbott
The presumptive mark of the beast, the mRNA vax platform, is becoming harder and harder to avoid as the cult of the Covidians grows in power and influence.
The oppressive government illegitimately occupying Washington DC continues their push to destroy Texas through a campaign of “Vax and Tax.”
Deals-On-Wheels Greg Abbott will do the absolute bare minimum to protect us, only as much as needs to do to win his primary election and get re-elected. But after that, the full weight of a tyrannical global corporate government will fall on us like a post oak falling on your torso during a morning jog.
A vaccine mandate is currently in the process of enforcement within Texas’ National Guard. But the administration has received significant push back from within the servicemember ranks.
On August 24, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a memorandum to the nation’s military branches ordering a coronavirus vaccination mandate. Though an order applied at the national level, Texas’ National Guard (TXNG) branches have begun enforcing the mandate, pushing their members to receive vaccinations before various deadlines.
Every [servicemember] who is NOT otherwise exempt will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to ensure our Soldiers / Airmen and Units are ready to fight and win,” the directive reads, adding that every servicemember without exemption must be vaccinated by June of 2022.
A copy of the directive above can be found here
The Texan further reported that Lt. Colonel Peter Chambers, Task Force Surgeon for Operation Lone Star, called the mandate a problem for him “personally and professionally”
[B]ased upon risk stratification along with treatment modalities in existence, the introduction of a substance which is still in a phase III trial is not necessary,…
LOL what a nerd.
Allen West blamed Abbott in a press release.
“It is highly disturbing that our Texas National Guard members are being ordered — mandated — to take a COVID shot. Unless on active-duty orders, the Commander-in-Chief of the Texas National Guard is the Governor, not Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
It is an unlawful, unethical, and immoral order to mandate, not for deployment purposes, that service members of the Texas Military Department receive this inoculation, especially when it wasn’t mandated for 15,000 invading Haitian illegal immigrants. As Governor of Texas, I will defend our Texas Military forces from this onerous and intrusive violation of the sovereignty of Texas.”- Lt. Col. Allen West.
Abbott previously said that 60% of Texans needed to be vaxxed. Current Revolt reported at the time that that this number was pulled straight out of his ass.
West is reportedly still a Pure Blood unvaxxed
Things get worse of course as the following image has popped up on our Facebook feed. Apparently the occupational government in DC is planning on terrorizing Republican areas of the country as payback for Donald Trump and racism.
For those of you too lazy to read, it says they’re planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine of a large portion of local and rural populations.
In some limited circles we call this “martial law.”
Do you get it yet? Even if you’re one of the dumb ones to willingly get both shots, it’s not going to stop there, there will be infinity amounts of boosters that you’ll have to inject in yourself monthly or you won’t be able to enjoy any basic amenities of society. No traveling, shopping, or interacting with others unless you’ve taken your government-mandated monthly booster shot.
This is all happening, piece by piece.
They’re coming for you
People will wake up one day and it will be too late.
It’s also worth noting that Rep. Giovanni Capriglione [HD98] and Rep. Briscoe Cain [HD128] are both enlisted in the Texas National Guard.
Capriglione seems the type who would willingly inject himself with any sort of substance so long as he was told it was cut with authentic Italian extra-virgin olive oil.
But what about Briscoe? Will he inject the sterilizing serum?
CORRECTION 9/29/21: This article contains fake news regarding Capriglione and Cain in the national guard but the 2 reps mentioned are still gay.
So here’s what you can do
If you aren’t active in local politics, get involved. We have literal retards running everything, which is why we find ourselves in this situation of forced vaxes and open borders.
Although their brains may have turned them into zombies from TV watching, they’re still human beings (for now, these boosters may make people turn) but you need to be savvy and strategic in dealing with people as you attempt to gain influence. Just because all they know is charge they phone and pretend to be busy at their desk, it doesn’t mean being rude or acting better than everyone is going to get you anywhere.
We all will have to work together to fight back against this government mandated ball-swelling potions until we get people elected who will.