Who Watches The Alderman?
Jeff Leach, scum sucking bottom feeder that he is, called for local heroine Jenny Cudd to be arrested this week.
“You should be arrested and prosecuted, Ms. Cudd,” Rep. Jeff Leach posted on Twitter Thursday night. “And I’m confident you will be.”
Loach/Leach… Same thing, right?
Bear in mind that Ms. Cudd entered the capitol after both, police and what were clearly federal agitators, were seen opening and pushing their way in. Ms. Cudd entered the capitol in the manner that befits a woman of her status: heroically and grandly.
“We did break down Nancy Pelosi’s door and somebody stole her gavel,” Cudd says in the video.
Photo accurate artist rendering of Ms. Cudd entering the den of the she-wolf.
The question we must ask ourselves is why does Leach want her locked up? Why is he so incapable of seeing actual action as good? We all remember when he was more than willing to make nice with the left during the violent riots spawned by the righteous shootings of criminals last summer.
Now that his side decides to take similar action, he is all moral high ground.
Ask yourself: Who is Jeff Leach’s real master? For that matter, who does anyone who condemns the heroes of January 6th (Remember, Remember…) answer to?