Very 2020: Texas Freedom Caucus Member Flaunts Endorsements by Random Democrats

Texas Republicans have been acting very strange since 2018, when Irish wonderboy Beto O’Rourke almost single-handedly turned Texas blue through sheer will and stimulant use.


Due to Republican’s propensity to always do the worst possible thing politically, leftist Democrats are now openly endorsing Republicans. Presumably, these endorsements are being given because Democrats know Republicans will tout the endorsement as some kind of stupendous achievement, meanwhile Republican voters will just be weirded out.

A Democrat about to endorse you to death

A Democrat about to endorse you to death

The only way this makes any sense is if it’s an absolute matter of fact that Republicans are advancing the Democrat agenda even better than the Democrats themselves.

Matt Shaheen [R-HD66] is supposedly a decent member of the Texas House, insomuch as any of these people are decent at anything. He boasts a good score from Texas Scorecard, for whatever it’s worth.


I suppose Matty-Heen has come to realize, as we have explained on this site, the situation is America has become so unstable that Republicans can no longer win elections on “fiscal responsibility” or “limited government,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.

But instead of adopting positions that are popular with Republican voters, many Republicans are simply taking the easy path and adopting the positions of Democrats.

But for the Republican who wants to remain extra-milquetoast and neither appeal to Republicans or Democrats, the strategy of “bipartisan compromiser” becomes an attractive option.

Now, I’m not against working with Democrats on specific issues if you are in office. Surely that’s still possible to a limited degree. But Matt Shaheen is just touting generic endorsements from random Democrats.


Tanner Do is a Democrat who ran for Congress in March 2020 and got utterly destroyed in the primary.


He also ran for County Commissioner and lost. Best I can tell, he’s never been elected to anything. In some limited circles we call this a “random person.”

Why is Matt Shaheen bragging about this endorsement and why is Tanner Do endorsing a Republican?

He’s not exactly shy about stating his goal is for Democrats to control everything.


He’s also some kind of open Asian supremacist.


Not even sure what he’s trying to say here.


The guy can’t stop talking about how great it is to be asian.

All I’ll say is, must be nice.


Naturally, he’s an enthusiastic lockdown hoaxer.

Plz take away my freedom for humanity

Plz take away my freedom for humanity

I don’t see that he’s married or dating anyone, but I do see he’s pushing the homosexual stuff pretty hard. He even says gay sex is “Texas values.”

Nothing to see here I’m sure

Nothing to see here I’m sure

Mr. Do is also a foreign born person who came to America only to repay us for our generosity by spending a great deal of effort trying to take away the second amendment rights of Americans via gun registration/confiscation schemes.

Imagine moving to an Asian country and demanding they curtail their rights, and as your justification saying  “Cuz I’m angry”

Imagine moving to an Asian country and demanding they curtail their rights, and as your justification saying “Cuz I’m angry”

Here’s the situation: Mr. Do wants Democrats to run the government so they can advance their various weird agendas to harm conservatives. He also wants Matt Shaheen to remain in office.

Makes you think.

Matt Shaheen also got endorsed by this random Democrat.


This is another person who’s never been elected to anything. In fact, he lost his election even worse than Tanner Do.


This is truly bizarre.

Maybe Matt thinks he can lock up these guy’s 10% of the electorate if he gets them to endorse him? Otherwise, what is the point of hardcore gun-control, identity politics leftists endorsing you?

Most people right-of-center consider the Democrat agenda to be fundamentally hostile to their sensibilities due to the parasitic incentives they promote as a sort of moral imperative. People on the right believe in natural rights that should be protected and respected. Democrats say whatever idea is fashionable at the moment according to critical theory is an unquestionable right. So what is to be gained by a cross-party endorsement, especially when they are random leftists off the street?

Do you actually get points for compromising?


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