BOMBSHELL: TX Sec. of State WAFFLES on Releasing Early Vote Tapes
Oops they did it again. In yet more election shenanigans and clustertruckery, the Texas Secretary of State (SOS) isn’t providing consistent rules on releasing Early Voting tapes. This comes after several counties refused to release them, in direct violation of Texas election laws according to a secret squirrel of ours.
Early Voting tapes show how many voted at the end of each early voting day, and are to be released to Election Watchers for transparency, ensuring there aren’t more votes than voters (i.e. ballot stuffing). The involved counties are Denton, Tarrant, Jefferson, Hays, Guadalupe, and Galveston.
Numerous elected officials are tagged
A question anyone with an above sea level IQ has, is why the Texas SOS would neglect to provide and enforce consistent guidelines in something as vital as making sure the number of votes and voters match. This is either bureaucratic incompetence run amok, or there’s fishier things occurring; neither bodes well.
Why doesn’t the Texas SOS care if illegal activity is unexposed? In light of past news, could there be agendas at work? We’re unsure, but it is quite worrying.
When you think one instance of election scamming is an “isolated incident.”
Stories of like those of the obstructed Election Watchers are probably innumerable. If you have witnessed similar anomalies, feel free to send us your story. Whether stupidity or malice, resignations need to happen, and greater awareness must be brought to these phenomena so proper changes can be made.