Traitors In Your Midst
The events of January 6th (Remember, Remember…) clearly demonstrate the elites hate you, the normal citizen. Even Trump, the heroic God Emperor himself, hung his own out to dry. This should have been obvious to anyone who remembers the Charlottesville rally-turned-riot. In a similar fashion, right wingers were baited in and set up and made to look like the bad guys. Even the woman who supposedly died as a result of a direct right wing attack was never touched by the car that was supposed to have killed her. DeAndre Harris initiated the fight which landed him zero legal trouble, and his victim garnered prison time for self defense.
The legion entered the strip, but Caesar was nowhere to be found.
Trump never once helped the people who showed up to support him. He couldn’t even be bothered to pardon clearly innocent men railroaded by the enemy. The same thing happened over the last several weeks. As his supporters were perp walked into the mouth of the beast, Trump disavowed them.
But, this isn’t just a Trump issue. The GOP - aka the Lemon Party - consistently fought and resisted Trump and his base. This too was obvious from the beginning. Reince Priebus lead the charge against Trump for months, only to take a role as his Chief of Staff immediately following Trump’s 2016 victory. The subversion and undermining of Trump comes as no surprise to anyone paying close attention. (Another Trump failing — shoring up his own inner circle should have been his number one priority.) Trump represented a massive sea change which endangered the uniparty approach to governance with the ruling elite. It’s tempting to think the parties are distractions to begin with. But, no, that couldn’t be, could it?
The Democrats and the left as a whole obviously hate us, cheat in elections, and attempt to use their vassalized minority janissaries to push us out of any power we might have, but we know this. Truthfully, if we had a unified front, we would resist them without a problem, but we don’t.
The Lemon Party isn’t the only enemy we have which is nominally on our side. Libertarians - both big and small ‘L’ - infested the party over the last few decades, if not longer. Their inability to use power due to “muh principles,” along with blatant sabotaging of Republicans that attempt to use power cripple our efforts to fight back. Power is a zero sum game. We either take it and use it, or the other side does. I don’t care if you want a limited government. The other side doesn’t and since government never shrinks outside of bloody conflict, your only option is to expand it fast and hard into the other guy’s nads.
Make no mistake, these are the groups most responsible for the death of Ashli Babbitt.
Do you want to win? Do you want to see your children grow up in a similar nation to the one you grew up in? Go local. Ruthlessly root out the narcissistic grifting parasites, expose the weak willed homosexuals who run the party apparatus in apparent conjunction with the enemy, and denounce and destroy the libertarian who cares so little for your well being, he would rather see you displaced and gulaged in your own homeland than expand your power.