The Burgess Question
Nobody actually likes Michael Burgess, but for voters in CD26 there hasn’t been a much better option. What did we do to deserve someone as awful as Michael Burgess?
The closest someone came to actually offering a “better” solution to Burgess was Veronica Birkenstock in 2018. Unfortunately, despite being very well funded, it wasn’t a serious, or well managed campaign. Many will remember the time Birkenstock skipped out on a debate with Burgess to attend a very unimportant Trump event/rally. The Primary results reflected the efforts of said campaign:
Via Ballotpedia.
In 2020 we had a much less serious set of challengers:
Via Ballotpedia. Exhausting.
But now it’s 2022 and we have a whole new line-up to try a swing at ol’ Burgey:
There’s a whole list of reasons to dislike Burgess. He’s essentially a traitor, not only to his party, but also his country.
The list includes.
Voting to remove statues from the US Capitol. He even brags about this on his own website. No surprise, he joined fellow traitors Dan Crenshaw of Houston, Tony Gonzales of San Antonio, Michael McCaul of Austin and Van Taylor of Plano.
Sponsoring legislation to lower the legal voting age to 16. He even had the nerve to go on Tucker Carlson and defend his stance. It didn’t go well.
Voting with Democrats to support a federal vaccine database. He also defended Fauci as “thorough” and “respected.” He also bragged about this on his own website.
Burgess has also taken millions of dollars in donations from big insurance and big pharma special interests. This comes as no surprise as to why he’s shilling vaccine databases.
We genuinely hope this new group of people running against Burgess has some luck. He’s been in office for 20 years and the district is overdue for a change of guard.
The Brian Brazeal campaign actually has some pretty great videos of the issues with Burgess:
Voted with Nancy Pelosi to support lowering the voting age:
Supported a vaccine database:
Alleged insider trading and profiting off big pharma stock shares:
We like Brian Brazeal’s style. We wish him luck in his run against Burgess.
The people of CD 26 surely deserve better.