Drew Springer Attacks Shelly Luther via Laptop and Hired Henchmen
Well it’s finally happened. Death count for the Wu Hu flu, the most deadly virus that‘s ever existed in all eternity has reached such astronomical numbers that politicians are now hiring cowboys to hold laptops for them while they campaign from the comfort of their own home.
Drew Springer claims his wife has tested positive for covid so he’s hired a staffer to carry him around via laptop so he can continue campaigning. It’s an odd look, but such is the future King Doctor Abbott has blessed us with.
At a campaign forum on Friday, Springer sent Pat Fallon to speak on his behalf. Fallon took the time to belittle Shelly Luther for not getting on her knees for Abbott or offer to change Abbott’s colostomy bag.
For those who don’t remember, Abbott sent Shelly Luther to a gulag for simply trying to keep her business going during the covid lockdowns.
Fallon also threatened to go “"…all in on this race” whatever the hell that means. We assume he’s going to suck Abbott’s dick even harder than he normally does and give him twice as many back massages. Who knows?
It’s a very odd excuse for Springer not to show up to debate Shelly Luther in person. Especially considering just the day before he was seen at another, more friendly, campaign event.
Seems to be the case for all these establishment politicians. They set unconstitutional rules and then don’t follow the rules themselves. Anyone else is thrown in jail for breaking them. Nancy Pelosi did the same thing when she went to a hair salon the other day. Maybe Pelosi and Springer can go get manis and pedis together.
We need change and we need it now. We need to stop pulling our punches with these establishment politicians, like Fallon and Springer, who speak ill of their constituents behind their back all while begging for donations and block walking volunteers.
Are you going to continue voting for those who abuse their power or vote in something new?
Make the right choice.