Republican Traitors in Austin Planning Secretive Screw Job Session

Texans are continuing to deal with the fallout from the government’s overreaction to a random cold virus strain. They have destroyed the economy, decimated small businesses, and taken away our rights. As bad as it’s been, believe me, they’re far from finished.

It was just a coincidence that the country’s richest people have gotten ridiculously wealthier during the “pandemic.” I’m sure it will also be purely coincidence that the Texas Legislature will use “there’s a virus” as an excuse to plunder and oppress to degrees we’ve never seen before.

It’s going to be bad. If you’ve got a problem with it, they’re going to tell you to, the citizens, “SUCK IT.”

Texas Tribune:

As the latest discussions over how the Texas Legislature should operate during a pandemic continue to surface, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told members of the Texas Senate this week that people wishing to testify on legislation before a committee may need to register days beforehand and take a coronavirus test ahead of the hearing.


Patrick said people may have to register online three days before a committee hearing to testify and take a rapid test for the virus 24 hours beforehand.


Infamous Republican Traitor Charlie Geren spilled the beans that limiting access is their goal.

Geren, who later told the Tribune that “there’s nothing in concrete yet,” said there could be a limit on the number of people allowed inside the building

They’re also talking about voting remotely so that lawmakers can be hidden from public eyes while they screw you over.


It’s an 8 hour drive from Amarillo to Austin. It’s even further from El Paso to Austin.

Imagine going all that way, you get to Austin and they make you take some bogus test, claim you are “positive” and now you can’t even enter the building. They don’t even mention needing to have any symptoms to be denied entry. Talk about a screw job from these self-important creeps in the legislature.


Unless the Republicans representing you are aggressively and publicly demanding that the public be given full access to the capitol, they are traitors involved in the scam to screw you over.

For some reason, these people have an uncontrollable urge to be involved in shady screw jobs. Now that they have an excuse to exclude you from the process, they’re going to throw it in your face.


Current Revolt will be covering the entire session and holding the traitors accountable. Please consider a donation to help us expand our media capabilities and hire more writers who understand the inside baseball of the Austin swamp.

It’s high time these traitors are held to account for their relationships with special interests and their betrayal of the people.

Believe me, they have relationships with special interests, and it’s very bad, folks!


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