Pride Month Caps a Shameful Year for Texans of Pride
Sin is celebrated in towns across Texas this month. The LGTBQ+ Community has taken over the month of June and redubbed it “Pride Month.” It is hard to see exactly what these People of Pride have to be proud of, but it is at least fitting that that they have named their month after a deadly sin.
With the predictability of puss flowing from a squeezed boil, ugly realities flow from the unnatural acts and lifestyles of the Pride. For the most part, our institutions do their best to hush up these realities. Since the institutions won’t discuss it, and since the mainstream media won’t cover it, and because our noses have been duly rubbed in the fecal smell of the Pride, we feel it appropriate to call to attention some of the more shameful news from the Texas LGTBQ+ community since Pride Month 2020. We will refer to the period from one Pride Month to the next as the Pride Year.
Here is our Pride Year report.
Netflix star Jerry Harris was accused in September 2020 of grooming and sexually exploiting 12-year-old boys at a cheer competition in Fort Worth. It is unknown what his role is in the Pride Celebrations this year
Children Beaten to Death by LGTBQ+
Two horrific cases with disturbing similarities are on our minds this Pride Month. The first is the case out of Galveston, Texas with lesbian couple Rebecca Rivera and Dania Gomez. In February 2021, Rivera was sentenced to life in prison for beating her 4-year-old son to death several years ago. Gomez, who testified against Rivera, got a lighter sentence. According to reports, Rivera “used the [son Jayden Lopez] as a punchbag after arguments with her lover, who was also arrested after Jayden’s body was found.” Rivera tortured her son with “objects included clothes hangers and lit cigarettes, which she stubbed out all over her young son’s back.” This Woman of Pride also “bound him by the wrists and ankles, leaving scars, and beat him with other unidentified objects.” Rest in peace, Jayden Lopez.
Jayden Lopez (left) Rebecca Rivera (top right) Dania Gomez (bottom right)
From Fort Worth, we remember the murder of 4-year-old Stetson Blackburn. Stetson’s mother, Shannon Gray, replaced his father with a Woman of Pride/Pretend Man, Reyna Marie Sanchez. The two were indicted in September 2020 for allegedly beating Stetson to death. The motive? As reported by the Star Telegram:
The night before Stetson stopped breathing inside the family’s mobile home in the 3300 block of Bonaventure Boulevard South, Gray gave her son an “ass-whooping” because he was lying, a detective wrote that Gray said in an interview.
“Shannon said she overdid it,” Detective Adam Perry of the Fort Worth police Crimes Against Children Unit wrote in an affidavit in support of the arrest warrants in the case.
Gray said she spanked Stetson with a belt 35-40 times and hit him in the head with a belt about 20 times the day before he was taken to Cook Children’s, according to the affidavit.
Feeling bad, Gray apologized to the boy and put him in a cold shower.
Sanchez made Stetson raise his hands above his head while he was in the shower and kicked him in the stomach two or three times because he was too slow in drying off, Gray told police.
Separately, Sanchez said she routinely hit Stetson with a shoe or whatever object was near and had kicked him during the shower drying dispute, according to the affidavit.
Sanchez said she kicked the boy three times as hard as she could and hurt her big toe.
Sanchez said that on March 19, while Gray was working, she put Stetson and his 3-year-old brother down for a nap, and two minutes later, Stetson gasped for air. Sanchez said Stetson had vomit, food and blood coming from his nose and mouth.
Since September, the media has forgotten about the case, but we haven’t. Rest in peace Stetson Blackburn.
Shannon Gray, Stetson Blackburn, Reyna Marie Sanchez
Children Subjected to Gender Modification
In August of 2020, a judge gave the non-biological mother of 8-year-old James Younger, full custody over him, paving the way for her to go forward with her plans to “transition” him through puberty blocking drugs and other treatments which would be considered torture by a war tribunal. His father, Jeff Younger, continues to fight for the future of his son. The Governor of Texas tweeted about the case in 2019, but has failed to intervene. He has also failed to get the State Legislature to pass a law that would outlaw this abomination. If we put enough pressure on him, he might be forced to call a special session. He is sitting this one out.
Is the LGTBQ+ Community proud about this one? Will we see the name of James Younger on their floats? What about the other children preyed upon by doctors in Dallas?
A father and his sons.
Just a Few, Cherry-Picked Examples?
Many readers, even those who have basic conservative instincts on many issues, would say that these tragedies are isolated incidents and not representative of the LGBTQ+ Community of Texas. With respect to James Younger, that’s an impossible argument to make. But for the evil of the LGBTQ+ Community, he would not be in danger or being mutilated. Our tolerance of that community has put his life in danger.
With respect to the cases of Jayden Rivera and Stetson Blackburn, these are more representative than most would think. People have been thoroughly brainwashed into believing that gay and lesbian couples are just like heterosexual couples. But this is not the case at all.
Lesbian couples have more violence than heterosexual couples and they hit children in the home more. The controlled media is not going to tell you this. Your schools and other institutions are not going to tell you this. To the extent that this problem is acknowledged, the problem is always posed as stemming from lack of acceptance by normal people. You see, if we had just accepted Rebecca Rivera, if only there had been a pride month back then, she would not have burned a 4-year-old with cigarette stubs.
LGTBQ+ people are far more prone to mental problems than normal people. This if a fact which is undisputed and is generally recognized because it casts them as victims. From their own literature, they report:
LGBTQ individuals are more than twice as likely as heterosexuals to have a mental illness
Those in the LGBTQ community are 2.5 times more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and substance abuse compared to heterosexuals.
31% of older adults in the LGBTQ community report depressive symptoms, and 39% report serious thoughts of suicide.
Women who identify as lesbian or bisexual are more than twice as likely to engage in heavy drinking in the past month than heterosexual women.
If 39% of LGBTQ+ pride members report serious thoughts of suicide, that means that in any Pride couple, there is a 63% chance that one of them has such thoughts and a significant chance that both are contemplating suicide. Do you know what some risk factors for abusing children are? Mental illness, suicidal thoughts, and heavy drinking are right up there.
If you can simultaneously believe that People of Pride are at higher risk of serious mental problems than heterosexual couples and that they are just as likely to be good parents as your average heterosexual couple, you have impressive powers of staying in your lane. You won’t ever need to worry about meeting O’Brien.
Other Texans of Pride
No one is tracking the damage being done by Texans of Pride to themselves and others and we can’t hope to scratch the surface in this report. But here are some other examples of shame from this Pride Year that might temper down the pride this month.
June 2020, Victoria woman accused of throwing hot grease on girlfriend, hitting her with a pan (Alicia Greathouse)
August 2020, three Waco men charged with raping boys (George Anthony Spratt Jr., Willie Ross Davis Jr., Micah Garrett Prather)
September 2020, Netflix cheerleading star accused of grooming, sodomizing 13-year-old boys at Fort Worth Competition (Jerry Harris)
January 2021, Lubbock dentist accused of child porn, boyfriend denies that he was groomed. (Jason White)
Jason White, Texan of Pride
February 2021, Texarkana, Texas, Man hits boyfriend with car, mad about relationship problems (James Earl Crabtree Jr.)
March 2021, Arlington man kills boyfriend in Tyler (Robert Price)
April 2021, Tyler man jailed for watching child porn with boyfriend. (Wesley Wayne Brogan)
April 2021, Houston man accused of stabbing husband in the neck, tampering with evidence (Noah Ellis)
May 2021, San Antonio woman arrested for strangling, dragging girlfriend from the car (Erica Morales)
Erica Morales, Texan of Pride