BOOM: Abbott Grants Social Workers License to Hate

This is the win we didn’t ask for, but it’s the win we deserve.

Texas Tribune:

Texas social workers are criticizing a state regulatory board’s decision this week to remove protections for LGBTQ clients and clients with disabilities who seek social work services.

The Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners voted unanimously Monday to change a section of its code of conduct that establishes when a social worker may refuse to serve someone. The code will no longer prohibit social workers from turning away clients on the basis of disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Gov. Greg Abbott’s office recommended the change, board members said, because the code’s nondiscrimination protections went beyond protections laid out in the state law that governs how and when the state may discipline social workers.

Finally, we have achieved limited government.

Pictured: previous peak limited government

Pictured: previous peak limited government

Steven Parks, a social worker in private practice in Houston who works with child trauma victims, told The Texas Tribune the rule change was “both a professional and a personal gut punch.”

“There’s now a gray area between what’s legally allowed and ethically responsible,” he said. “The law should never allow a social worker to legally do unethical things.”

That’s cute, Steve. Seems like we passed all sorts of laws and voted on all kinds of things, according to the ethics of our Christian society, and our rules were nullified using the magic wand of “human rights.”

Adoption of amendments banning unethical forms of marriage over time

Adoption of amendments banning unethical forms of marriage over time

Is granting discrimination powers to bureaucrats epic and hilarious? Yes.

Is this random and weird? Also yes.

I really don’t understand the purpose of doing this right before the election. What is Greg Abbott’s problem?

It’s almost like he wants Trump to lose.

Bonus for our beloved readers at Current Revolt — a video of handy facts about homosexuals.


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