Mexican Judge Overturns Texas Law on Straight Ticket Voting
Of course this happened.
Less than three weeks before early voting begins in Texas, a U.S. district judge has blocked the state from eliminating straight-ticket voting as an option for people who go to the polls this November.
In a ruling issued late Friday, U.S. District Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo cited the coronavirus pandemic, saying the elimination of the voting practice would “cause irreparable injury” to voters “by creating mass lines at the polls and increasing the amount of time voters are exposed to COVID-19.”
Marmolejo also found that the GOP-backed law would “impose a discriminatory burden” on black and Hispanic voters and “create comparatively less opportunities for these voters to participate in the political process.”
If this logic doesn’t make sense to you then you’re missing the point. It’s not supposed to make sense. Due to a total lack of effective Republican leadership, Democrats are pushing the envelope on every front to see how much they can get away with in preparation for their attempt to steal the election through a massive voter fraud scheme that they’ve spent 4 years planning. Weakness invites aggression, and this Democrat Judge is trying to tell you resistance is futile.
The overturning of this law passed by Republicans 3 years ago is happening under the guise of “a virus exists.”
Never mind the fact that most states don’t have straight ticket voting as an option, this judge says you have to make it an option, because virus. The most obvious reason you would want to revive straight ticket voting is to streamline fraudulent voting. Only having to check one box at the polls along with being able to wear a mask (disguise) while voting creates an insane situation for someone who wants fair elections.
At this point, the judge could proclaim that Democrats have to win because they are the only ones who will keep us safe from this deadly cold virus and I don’t think most Republicans would resist.
Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa said in a statement after the ruling. “Texas Democrats will have to continue to win at the ballot box to protect the right vote. Until the new Texas majority wipes out these out-of-touch Republicans, Texas Democrats will never stop fighting for Texans in court.”
You see, we have a “new” majority in Texas. No Republican will point out the obvious truth that this “new majority” is filled with people who are here illegitimately. Either through the criminal fraud that was the the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, or they’re straight up descendants of fence jumpers making them US citizens only inasmuch as they’re the recipient of stolen goods.
Oh, and the judge is a literal Mexican.
Not bad tho
Although she is clearly from the elite white ruling class that runs Mexico.
Mexico has one of the classic power structures in place where everything about the system revolves around skin color. Their largest political party literally means “olive skinned” and most members of the Mexican Congress would be assumed to be white by most people in the United States.
Even the most ardent leftists are forced to admit that Mexico has an extremely corrupt government and legal system. However, when you ask them why the leftist will blame Americans for the corruption in Mexico. It’s an impressive display of mental gymnastics. They say because people in the United States use drugs, Mexicans are left with no other choice than to join cartels and behead each other on video. If you bring up the notion that even if all drugs were legalized, the cartels would simply move on to trafficking other commodities, as evidenced by their lime extortions and avocado portfolios, you’re met with a swift change of the subject.
The most obvious, common sense explanation for why Mexico’s government is corrupt is to simply say that the people in the country are corrupt. For thousands of years, such obvious observations led to common sense governance in cultures interacting with one another. Now because ???? we aren’t allowed to state this obvious truth. Now, we find our state overrun with a “new majority,” and they’re even getting judges to aid in their takeover.
Mexicans are perfectly content to live under a corrupt system. Again, this isn’t my opinion, reality itself testifies of this truth. As this “new majority” gains political power, we will see corruption become more commonplace and the apathetic masses will have virtually no will to resist even the most tyrannical government.
A sizable tejano minority has always existed in Texas. We can make it work, I believe. As a short term solution, if Republicans want to corral some of these hispanic votes away from Democrats they have two options.
Adopt Democratic positions
Divide and conquer the hispanic electorate
Republicans need to figure out a divide and conquer plan, and do it quick.