Surrender by Leach Imminent on Mask Issue?

Low down and dirty, ride-or-die gangsta Representative Harold Dutton is reportedly leaking details of “compromise” on the issue of masks that we previously reported on.


Texas Scorecard’s Jeramy D. Kitchen is reporting that Dutton announced and Jeff Leach “indicated” that terms of surrender were being negotiated.


Presumably, Leach “indicated” that a deal had been struck instead of just announcing it because he’s a weaselly scam artist and knows he’s running a scam on Republican voters.

Both men introduced diametrically opposed bills regarding masking in Texas public schools. One banning and one allowing total local control whether or not to muzzle kids to prevent them all from certain death from the coronavirus. The bills were being worked out in the Public Education Committee on Monday, a committee chaired by Dutton.

The result of this proposed “opt-out” plan will be most kids wearing masks, with countless numbers wearing masks simply because of peer pressure. Only dissidents will be maskless, which is exactly the scenario the left wants — for dissidents and children of dissidents to be easily identifiable.

What a disaster.


In Dallas, Being Anti-BLM is a Hate Crime
