We’ve written a substantial amount of articles on Democrats and Democrat-voting individuals running as Republicans or working on Republican campaigns. It’s become almost tiresome sounding the alarm on this issue that is plaguing the GOP. A far more serious plague than the fake COVID one where we were promised a “winter of death” for the unvaccinated.

We’ve found there are 3 camps when it comes to addressing the Democrat plan to infiltrate the GOP.

One camp chooses to address this issue. Sounding alarms by sharing the info with friends, neighbors, and allies. Actively concerned about this scam Democrats are running, they vet every new individual, candidate, and organization entering the party. This is the highest IQ type of individual and one that will foster and protect our party and conservative values.

The second camp chooses to ignore this issue completely. Their only focus is to beat the blue team. Treating politics like a sport, Hillary Clinton herself could wake up one morning and run as a Republican and they would support her so long as she had an (R) next to her name and her campaign signs sported some shade of red.

The third camp actively fights against any narrative mentioning this concerning issue. They hate any articles or news org (Current Revolt specifically) that questions anyone running as a Republican. These individuals are often gullible, low IQ, or leftist themselves. We’ve found many of these individuals lack a GOP primary voting history. They are also “big tent” Republicans and openly welcome the party becoming more moderate and moving the party as left as possible.

The Democrats actively praise camps two and three because they either ignore the Democrat plan to infiltrate our party or actually aid them in this infiltration.

This is why Democrats are having discussions and considering voting for “Republican” Jamee Jolly in HD70.

In a newsletter sent out by the Collin County Democrat Party to it’s supporters on December 30th of last year, they mentioned there has been a large amount of discussions and leftist individuals wanting to support Republicans like Jamee Jolly. So much so they felt the need to address it at the very top of the newsletter.

Via the Collin County Democrat Party:

There have been some discussions with Democrats wanting to vote in the Republican primary to support “moderate” Republican candidates like Plano resident Jamee Jolly, who’s running for the new HD70 in the Republican primary.

The newsletter then goes on to say how Donald Trump Jr. is the most vile and most repulsive person to emerge from the Trump presidency. They also beg their voters to vote in the Democrat party.

It should worry anyone in our party that the Democrat support and plan to vote for leftist/moderate Republicans is such a serious plan and tactic that the Collin County Democrat Party chose to address it at the top of their final newsletter of 2021.

So why are Democrats having discussions about choosing to support “Republican” Jamee Jolly in her race in HD70?

The most obvious, and easiest reason is she works closely with hardcore leftists, Democrats, and other moderates involved in politics.

On the left: Democrat operative and extreme leftist, John Stafford.
On the right: Jamee Jolly.

It should also be noted that Stafford, pictured above, was indicted for a violation of election law for some shady business he did while working for the Collin County Democrat Pary.

Left: Lynne Finley, known for going MIA for 6 months.
Right: Jamee Jolly

Leftists knew Jolly was a better ideological fit for a Democrat run, but had the best chance of actually winning by running as a Republican.

At a Collin County GOP Executive meeting, Jolly faced immense criticism by many of the members and activists in the GOP who criticized both Jolly’s moderate views, eagerness to work with leftists, and many other issues. Jolly was very vocal about her disgust of the Republican Party:

At the same meeting, Jolly seems to have an emotional breakdown in front of the GOP Executive Meeting members where she tries to offer excuses for working for the left. She admits she has not been a vocal part of the Republican party. She also admits she “worked with both parties.”

As President and CEO of the Plano Chamber of Commerce, Jolly said she would “like to see (the city of Plano) being progressive…”

Email from Jolly to the Plano City Manager

There is also substantial evidence that Jolly was doing something with regards to how she filed her homestead exemption. We feel this topic is convoluted but you can read a very well documented review on the issue here.

Jolly’s own campaign website fails to mention any support for abolishing abortion, securing our elections, or abolishing gender modification and mutilation of children, the later being something the left is quite obsessed with doing to innocent young kids.

Jolly is “Pro-Police & Anti-Crime”
Would anyone be “pro-crime” and list this as a priority? Silly.

Jolly is also endorsed by a substantial amount of establishment, moderate, and leftist individuals and swampy organizations.

Swamp list.

Collin County is at a crossroads and the upcoming primary will decide whether it becomes more moderate, eventually going the way of crime-ridden, high-density Dallas, or holds on to being the conservative, wonderful town that many have chosen to raise families in.

Many are saying the serious front runner and conservative choice for Plano is Eric Bowlin.

Vote wisely Collin County.


Gohmert Supporter: “I just really wanted a sign.”


EXCLUSIVE: State Rep. Brooks Landgraf Begs Mistress for Nudes, Leaked Texts Allege