Tarrant County Now Run by Virus Hoaxing Indian Man on Power Trip
America was once a strong county, with strong men and strong families. Normal guys who did extraordinary things. Men named George, Steve, Ben, and Vinny.
When you think of someone named Vinny, you probably think of this:
Or this.
These are the Vinny’s that built America. Vinny’s we know and love. But that America is gone. Destroyed by the deadliest virus the world has ever known, Covid Nineteen.
Now, we have a new, more exotic Vinny running the show. And he’s in charge, believe me. And he means business.
The director of the Tarrant County Public Health Department says school districts in the county should prepare to return to virtual learning rather than “waiting for an outbreak.”
Public health director Vinny Taneja made the statement Tuesday morning during a meeting of the Tarrant County Commissioners Court where he said all of the county's COVID-19 key indicators are trending up, including hospitalizations. On Tuesday, the county added 477 new cases of the virus and another death -- the 694 COVID-19 related death since March.
Vinny is an Indian from India who is now deciding whether or not Americans can attend school.
When asked for clarification on his recommendation, Taneja pointed to the dashboard unveiled by Tarrant County Public Health in early September. The school data dashboard is meant to help school leaders and residents better understand the COVID-19 metrics in their area. It is color-coded to correspond with various learning scenarios.
Instead of explaining what the hell is actually going on here, Vinny treats Americans like we are children using a color-coded map. This is like a kindergarten teacher getting up in front of the class and explaining how they are in charge, and the system of punishment for disobedience can be understood by a simple color-coded system.
What we are talking about is our most basic rights. We let this man come to our once free country, and does he respect our tradition of freedom? No, he craps on it.
This is what is meant by “new normal” in America. A fat foreigner is given a position of authority over you and determines what freedoms you are allowed to have. Even though it’s impolite to say it publicly, I have a hard time believing most people don’t look at this situation and become utterly bewildered by the sheer absurdity of it.
We need free speech protections and we need them now. Americans can’t talk about the realities of what is happening because we don’t have freedom of speech. Instead, just like the hell of the Soviet Union, we all suffer in an endless state of lying to one another so we don’t lose our jobs and have the media ruin our lives for daring to make obvious statements of fact. This is a foreigner who is threatening to limit the freedom of Americans based solely on his discretion, and yet framing it as such is de facto verboten unless you are retired or otherwise self sufficient.
Not speaking the truth is the opposite of the American tradition.
What’s even crazier is people will say my mean words are worse than these people destroying everyone’s lives with these insane lockdowns.
Children should be in school. All the arguments against these lockdowns have been made, so I’m not going to make them here. Only two kinds of people are still virus hoaxing are this point: the hopelessly brainwashed and virus grifters making money and/or status off the situation.
Wouldn’t it be something of all these foreigners came to America and somehow managed to destroy its economy and society to the point where it started to look just like their old countries?
More lockdowns are coming. Bet on it.