How About a Pardon, Governor?
No suburb is safe from the BLM infection and liberal creep. The city of Plano is no exception. Law enforcement there cannot or will not exert the force required to keep grievance mongers from taking over sections of highways. Although elected officials rightly describe the mob’s actions as amounting to a “breach of peace,” no charges are brought against those in breach. However, when one man stands up and tries to restore order, the full weight of the law is brought down upon him. This is the essence of anarcho-tyranny.
“Plano police said Monday that a man who angrily confronted a group of protesters earlier this month faces a misdemeanor assault charge for his actions during the incident, which was captured on viral video.”
Stopping traffic and harassing random passerby? Totally cool! Confronting them? Bad boy!
Watch the video:
What do you see? A driver gets out of his car and faces down a mob, including a masked man who was between cars and away from the others. Why is he being charged while the protestors aren’t being arrested for disturbance of the peace?
“Oh but he slapped her hand!” And? If a mob stops your vehicle and identifies itself in association with a violent organization which brings looting and destruction wherever it goes, why shouldn’t he try to restore peace himself? Every time one of these protests happen, we see video after video of vehicles attacked, windows beaten in, etc., and police usually do nothing but let the rioters run wild.
Police say they cleared the intersection in 7 minutes. Presumably, that’s true. But again why are none of the BLM being charged? Why are they free to stop traffic on a whim without consequence? Why are they free to point weapons at people without charge?
Attorney General Ken Paxton sure is mad about the situation. He is so mad that he wrote a scathing facebook posts about it. He is going so far as to call on government officials to end the lawlessness. Good thing we elected him to be our Facebook spokesman.
Meanwhile, his buddy, Governor Abbot could actually remedy the situation. He could use his pardon power to pardon the man who was arrested. He could do that today, but he won’t.
The prescription that our Republican leaders give us is to donate, vote them back into office, and trust in the system. Rinse and repeat. If we just tried harder, just gave that doubling donation, we would have law and order. Ask them to exercise executive power on behalf of an innocent man? To pass meaningful legislation? Of course not. If you want your state back, you will need to jettison these parasites.
This isn’t just something happening in other cities in leftist states. This is happening right here, right now. Your elected government not only doesn’t have your back. They actively support the rioters and looters who hate you.
How long until this isn’t just a joke?