EXPOSED: The Payday Lending Millionaire behind Abbott’s Virus Dictatorship Agenda

George Carlin famously said “It's a big club, and you ain’t in it” and boy oh boy, how true it is.

In the last 36 hours I’ve seen more chatter on social media about HB3 than I ever imagined I would. Random people on Nextdoor are even talking about this screw job and its “dictator clause.”

We covered part 2 of the HB3 saga on Friday, where ominously it appeared as though everyone in the legislature, even the so-called Freedom Caucus, is on board with “Virus Reform” and codifying the virus police state into law. Today we bring you part 3, which includes the biggest bombshells yet on the special interests and dirty money involved in promoting the permanent virus state in Texas.

If you think this virus stuff is real weird, and you can’t imagine people would be selling out the freedoms of future generations to be cozy with the weirdos in the establishment, then you must be new to Texas politics.

Read carefully and heed these wise words from “Q” on the culture of the Texas Legislature, posted on Friday the 26th.


We included this tweet in the Friday story of HB3.

I had to rub my eyes and check the time stamp when dirty rat, BLM-backed Republican Drew Springer posted this photo on Twitter.

Q predicted this

Q predicted this

Within hours of posting his analysis, Michael Quinn Sullivan’s meme had come to life. Dustin Burrows [R-HD83], BLM Springer [R-SD30], and disgraced former Speaker Dennis Bonnen were posing for a photo with big smiles from a lobbyist’s ranch.

Apparently, they were talking about how to sell the screw job bill HB3 to Texans, and were openly admitting that’s what they were discussing.

“Good bill!” he says.

Someone pointed out the Masonic symbols on the hats of two of them.


The “secret society doing rituals and pedophilia running the world” theory is almost never the reality of the situation. The real explanation is always much more straightforward.


The Hatada Ranch is owned by the Ahlberg family. The recently deceased owner’s son, Trevor Ahlberg, is a massive GOP donor who owns a payday lending chain generically named “Cash Store.”

Aw, lose your job from Abbott’s closures? Trevor can lend you some money

Aw, lose your job from Abbott’s closures? Trevor can lend you some money

I can’t possibly think of dirtier money than payday lending. At least drug dealers provide real goods and services. Payday lenders are literally blood-sucking parasites.

CEO of Cash Store Trevor Ahlberg has recently given over $1 million to no fewer than 80 lawmakers. Here is a partial list of some of the money he has given since 2015, which is a fraction of his grand totals.


He’s been at this for some time, too.

Here is a list of donations that includes Mr. Ahlberg from 2009-2012.


The following day on Twitter, after posting the “happy fun time ranch” photo, Springer started getting pushback about his support for the Virus Martial Law bill.

He launched into his defense of the bill which was framed in the context of a conspiracy theory that Empower Texans was behind the opposition to HB3. 

We’ve covered this form of mental illness before. There is a sizable minority of people involved in Texas politics who believe that Tim Dunn and Erin Anderson are personally following them around in black SUV’s.

They believe that Michael Quinn Sullivan is intercepting their mail, reading it, and resealing the envelopes before putting it back in their mailbox.

They constantly check their spouse’s cell phone because they suspect their wife is cheating on them with one or both of the Wilk’s brothers.

I don’t know, I’m just telling you this is what these people seem to believe. Anytime someone opposes their agenda, they claim it’s an ET plot.

Springer continued, listing the supposedly wonderful parts of HB3, again in the context of an Empower Texans conspiracy theory whereby ET is actively leading a fierce opposition to an agenda that ET claims to support.

Apparently Bonnen and crew anticipated pushback against giving the Governor the sole discretion to create laws based on his personal feelings about viruses, and a good part of their meeting at the dude ranch was coming up with talking points to sell their scam which, I believe they plan on ramming through into law.

Just based on what I am seeing, they will probably pass this bill. The peasants can make all the phone calls they want, they are signaling that you are an ET agent if you oppose them. And you can bet they won’t let you in the Capitol when this is debated because “there is a virus that exists.”

The “dictator clause” for those unfamiliar, uses doublespeak to give the Governor the ability to pass laws, getting around the obvious legal problem with this by claiming they aren’t actually laws, even though the effects are legally indistinguishable from laws.


Springers tirade of low IQ talking points never addresses the dictator clause. However, he does give a glimpse of where his moral compass is pointed.

You could point out that these guys are all taking a photo while hugging without the masks on during a “pandemic.” But these guys understand the virus thing is a hoax, and it’s more important to show-off on Twitter than appear to keep up the virus charade. They want you to see their big smiles.

Here we see that, according to Drew Springer (who had Black Lives Matter block walking for his campaign) the worst thing in the world is for someone to make a joke.

So Springer’s big thing is that making fun of Greg Abbott is the worst thing in the world. Meanwhile, he is involved in the biggest destruction of American freedoms in history, the most rapid transfer of wealth out of the middle class and into the billionaire class in history, eviscerating what little of an economy we had left, all while taking money and enjoying the perks from being cozy with a parasitic payday lender.

I mean, what can you say?

They will probably be posting stuff like this next to rub it in

They will probably be posting stuff like this next to rub it in

These guys launch attacks against a straw man of Empower Texans as a proxy for attacking the regular citizens of Texas. As usual, this appears to be a projection. They are projecting their own immorality onto their opponents, accusing them of pushing special interest’s agendas, when they in fact are doing just that.

Even if the conspiracy theory they promote was true, Empower Texans (now Texas Scorecard) is ostensibly funded by money from Texas oil and gas, a product that most Texans like and enjoy. Drew Springer believes this oil and gas money is evil, but the payday lending money driving his agenda is OK?

Pretty weird, bro.

The very trustworthy face of Drew Springer

The very trustworthy face of Drew Springer

It seems as though the payday lender Ahlberg would benefit greatly from the job-killing economic destruction of the virus hoax, and HB3 codifies it all into law. If people cannot find work or cannot find steady work, the payday lending business is going to do quite well.

Further, for people who understand where this new world order virus system is going, you can see a probable conspiracy theory come into focus.

Very soon, whenever the government becomes unable to print a trillion dollars a month to keep the system afloat, the seriousness of the decisions we have made will set in. There will be no small businesses and there will be very few jobs overall. These $1,200 and $1,400 checks from the government will then become permanent, and another major piece of the unfolding technocratic, rainbow flag communism will be in place.

You know what kind of business will thrive when a ton of poor people have a source of guaranteed income?


The concept of “representative” is completely gone from the Texas government, and they don’t even care if it’s obvious or not. In fact, they are openly mocking us. (Good bill!)

I am starting to believe they intend to pass this bill into law due to the widespread support from the traitors in Austin. They will claim that the patriots who oppose it are against securing the elections or whatever other crap they have mixed in with the dictatorship agenda.

But, there is still time to stop it. We are not under a dictatorship yet.

As of today, we are still ruled by a dicktastership.


Texas Democrats – Obsessed with Sex and Children


BETRAYAL: Freedom Caucus Bought Off by King Abbott