Mask Off: Homosexual TX Young Republican Attacks Christians, White Men

If you are a Christian in America and you take a stance against the homosexual propaganda being injected into literally everything you used to enjoy – from cereal, to Blue’s Clues, to the NFL, you will be attacked by the gay mafia and their eternal vanguard, liberal White women.

If your kids don’t eat this you are a bigot

If your kids don’t eat this you are a bigot

Matt Dorsey is a patriot within the leadership of the Young Republicans of Texas. As a Christian conservative, Matt made a statement earlier this week in support of traditional family values and his support of a Christian conservative worldview.

Saying you’re against the gay lobby is worse than screaming “bomb” in a crowded airplane

Saying you’re against the gay lobby is worse than screaming “bomb” in a crowded airplane

Of course you don’t need to read the rest of the article to predict what happened next.

The gay mafia along with left leaning White women immediately went after Matt in a pincer attack.

Conserving America’s traditional Christian values is “going backwards”

Conserving America’s traditional Christian values is “going backwards”

It didn’t take long for one of the more outspoken YRs to release a statement calling for the removal of Dorsey.

Having traditional Christian values is “anti-American”. The gay letter then goes on to demean White, straight, Christians.

Having traditional Christian values is “anti-American”. The gay letter then goes on to attack White, straight, Christians.

The false choice presented is that Young Republicans either believe they are Republicans for the sole purpose of identity politics, or they celebrate sodomy as an “alienable [sic] human right.”

It’s quite frankly ridiculous that these people continue to quote Thomas Jefferson to promote their homosexual agenda when Jefferson himself supported the death penalty (and later castration) for homosexuals.

All of these arguments about why we need a big, anus-shaped tent for the GOP are framed as being the only pro-America choice. It’s presumed they’re just not making any real arguments because there are no arguments to be made and hence we see the bullying and personal attacks. Perhaps DJ hasn’t gotten the memo from the Log Cabin Republicans that aggressive homosexuality campaigns aimed at gaining new converts (only logical reason for such groups to exist) is currently being repackaged as not a moral or so societal question, but one of “private property rights.”

So who is this DJ Seeger?

Imagine our shock

Imagine our shock

It would be one thing if gays could merely, you know, be gay privately. But it seems, for many, that is impossible. They have to constantly make everyone aware that they are a part of the extinction rebellion.

Every waking minute they have to remind you that they are a man that enjoys other men’s lower intestines.

It’s the equivalent to those douchey guys in college who used to always remind you how many women they were sleeping with. It gets old, irregardless of the sexual orientation.

But ol’ DJ Seeger wants to make sure you know exactly what he likes to do when you aren’t looking.


Oh, also that he’s vaccinated.

Homosexuals are obsessed with germs due to their lifestyle resulting in constant battles with diseases

Homosexuals are obsessed with germs due to their lifestyle resulting in constant battles with diseases

Oh and that he supports BLM.


Without being told, if you were just presented a picture of Seeger, with his rainbow pin, support for BLM, and bragging about being vaccinated, one would immediately assume Seeger was a leftist. You’d be wrong though. He’s the chairman of the Comal Young Republicans.

The leftist tactic of “repressive tolerance” on full display

The leftist tactic of “repressive tolerance” on full display

Seeger claims we have to accept LGBTQ propaganda, and presumably an endless list of demands from these people, or else we will turn Texas blue. This is a lie based on literally nothing. Especially considering same sex marriage lost on the ballot in Texas by 50 points. Furthermore, even California shot down same sex marriage, not once but twice! It was forced on us by the SCOTUS.

The Big Gay Lie: Support LGBTQ issues or you’ll turn Texas blue!

The Big Gay Lie: Support LGBTQ issues or you’ll turn Texas blue!

The only way to truly guage the support for the LGBT stuff is the secret ballot. As you can see by the example laid out in this article, any opposition to this agenda is met with vicious personal attacks. The “growing support” people claim exist for this agenda is mostly due to growing threats of retaliation from agenda proponents. People are reflexively lying to pollsters because the threats of system retaliation against wrongthink are growing so dramatically. This is how it’s explained that when there is a vote on this issue, it loses. Even Houston in 2015 said no, but the polls always show it winning.

We have made most of the arguments in a previous post, including how homosexuality cannot exist in society as it does today without the suppression of freedom of speech.

There is no evidence that the GOP adopting these radical views regarding the abuse of the sacred powers of procreation is going to win elections. In fact, when you explain it in such clear terms it’s easy to see the absurdity of the claim is on its face. Again, this is why this agenda relies on suppression of free speech in one form or another because the arguments are unconvincing.

There is nothing stopping any homosexual from volunteering, donating, or voting for the Republican Party.

Obviously, people like DJ are only involved in the party to try and squelch any organized opposition to their agenda, because it can be empirically proven what they are doing is not about winning elections.

Pray for Matt, show him your support. It takes a lot of guts to stand up against the gay lobby in politics. It’s often a battle that’s lost and met with grave destruction. We’re a fallen nation, in a fallen state, being led by fallen people.

We’ve lost Constantinople. We’ve lost America. Texas will be our last stand.


We Aint Finna Vote on Dat till Yall Lissens


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