Temple Students Skip School to Protest Man’s Right to Poop Near Women
America is all about pure, unadulterated freedom. But sometimes freedoms collide, and we must use logic and reason to determine which freedom is most important.
For example, if I want to poop in a specific toilet within a school, that’s pure freedom. If a woman wants the freedom to not have to hear me grunting in the stall next to her, well, that’s just regular freedom. So in this instance, pure freedom wins out.
It’s very simple and the American Founders would understand my pooping example perfectly.
TEMPLE, Texas — Dozens of Temple High School students staged a protest Wednesday morning in support of a transgender student who was denied female bathroom and locker room privileges.
"I just wanted to help make a change. Do whatever I could," said Temple ISD Junior Akayla Shahan.
I’ll make this simple for all you closed-minded Republicans:
Gender-based bathrooms = Slavery + Jim Crow
Forcing someone to identify with their birth name = Slavery x Jim Crow —the Holocaust
Forcing students to abide by a gender normative dress code = Lynching x Chinese exclusions + Redlining
Using incorrect pronouns when addressing someone = Blackface + Slavery + Hitler + Chinese exclusion + George Floyd
This school is acting out of pure, unadulterated, and uncontrollable hatred for this young woman living her truth, which isn’t affecting anyone else.
"I fought for my place to be treated equally, and people are aware of that," said Tinoco. "A lot of my teachers have supported me.
This young woman was denied equal pooping rights, which are human rights.
I am calling on all students to walk out, not just in schools, but walk out on your parents.
Don’t go home until gender and the family have been abolished. We have to end these archaic institutions to cure racism.
But this will never happen because Texas is so hateful.